Also known as: "Malunggáy" in Philippines, "Sajina" in India, "Shojne" in Bengal, "Munagakaya" in Telugu, "Shenano" in Rajasthani, "Shevaga" in Marathi, "Nuggekai" in Kannada, "Drumstick Tree, Horse Radish Tree, Ben Oil Tree" in English, "La mu" in Chinese. Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera), is a popular plant known for nutritional value as well as a herbal medicine.Malunggay is a plant that grows in the tropical climates such as the Philippines, India and Africa. Malunggay is widely used as vegetable ingredient in cooking, as herbal medicine for a number of illness and other practical uses.

The Malunggay plant can grow to as high as 9 meters with erect white trunks. The compound leaf has about 3 to 9 leaflets. Malunggay has white fragrant flowers that produces long pods with 3-angled winged seeds. Malunggay may be propagated by planting its seeds about an inch in the ground or matured malunggay stem cuttings of about 3 feet in length may also be planted into the ground. Planted malunggay cuttings grows faster compared to planted seeds.Malunggay decoction for washing sores and wounds Boil malunggay roots and let it cool to tolerable warm temperature and use it to wash wounds and sores.

By gargling the Malunggay decoction, it may also be used to wash mouth sores and sore throats. Decoction - is a method of extraction by boiling, of dissolved chemicals, from herbal or plant material, which may include stems, roots, bark and rhizomes. - Decoction involves first mashing, and then boiling in water to extract oils, volatile organic compounds, and other chemical substances. Although malunggay consumption is generally accepted as safe. But according to Indian traditional usage, Malunggay may have an abortificient effects.