A Tragic Hero is someone who is important within his society.

He has a tragic flaw which continues to grow and overcome his own personal virtues, as he continues into his downfall and the destruction of his world. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth sees opportunities to become more powerful and his ambition starts to take over his own judgement. Macbeth begins to have moments of insanity and new information coming in catches Macbeth a little too over confident, all leading into his downfall creating the newest tragic hero in Dunsinane.Macbeth goes from minimal power to an overwhelming amount of power yet still has the desire for more.

Macbeth needs to be king and therefore will do anything for it. Macbeth killed Duncan in order to be king and killed Banquo also in order to stay king. Macbeth knows what he is doing is bad, “Let not light see my black and deep desires” (Macbeth I. iv. 51). Macbeth’s ambition becomes the one thing he cannot control.

It becomes his tragic flaw. Macbeth has encountered so many problems, and deals with them.With his ambition taking the lead, it is at the point where Macbeth states “I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent but only vaulting ambition/ which o’erleaps itself and falls on th’ other” (I. vii. 25-8).

Macbeth knows he is unable to control his ambition. Overall, Macbeth’s ambition has gotten the best of him, leading him down the road to becoming a tragic hero. In addition to his overpowering ambition, Macbeth has a lot on his mind pushing him into his own insanity.When Macbeth decides he will follow through with the plan to kill Duncan, he starts to have visions of daggers in the sky, “Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee” (II.

i. 33-4). After saying this Macbeth pursues the daggers which lead him toward Duncan’s room. After Macbeth had Banquo killed, he started having visions and hauntings of Banquo. Macbeth claims he saw Banquo sitting in his seat at dinner, but Banquo is dead and it would be impossible for him to be sitting there.Lady Macbeth tries to convince the guests that the king is sick, but Macbeth steps in and says “If I stand here, I saw him” (III.

iv. 74). Macbeth can see Banquo but no one else can. All in all Macbeth has his moments of insanity leading into his downfall. Moreover, Macbeth encounters many obstacles but becomes very over - confident that things will go his way. When talking to the witches, Macbeth has become extremely confident in the apparitions given to him.

Throughout the rest of Macbeth’s journey he continues to base his every move on the apparitions given to him by the witches.When he is talking to a servant he says, “Bring me no more reports, let them fly all; till Birnam Wood remove to Dunsinane” (V. iii. 1-2).

With the reports of good news coming from the witches, Macbeth has become extremely over confident in the news he receives that he does not shine any light upon things that can go wrong. Eventually Macbeth starts to realize that the witches tricked him, “Fear not, till Birnam wood do come to Dunsinane; and now a wood comes toward Dunsinane” (VI. vii. 43-5).In short Macbeth’s confidence got him into a position where he believed he won, but in the end he realized otherwise. In the long run although Macbeth had many successes throughout his journey he ended up becoming the new tragic hero in Dunsinane.

With Macbeth’s ambition being the best of him and overpowering his own opinions, his insanity causing him to see dead people and imaginary objects, and Macbeth’s over confidence in prophesies that turn out to be opposite of what he concluded. These three key points are powerful moments in the life and journey of Macbeth, and his becoming of a tragic hero.