He was born on March 1st, 1994, a Tuesday, at 12:56am, at room number 126, at the second floor of St. Jude’s Hospital, located at London, Ontario, Canada, weighing 7lbs. and 11oz. He is a self-taught singer and musician, who stole the hearts of most teenage girls.

He has a smile that would make me melt, and eyes that would make me faint. His voice is what my ears would want to hear every single day. He loves to sing, dance, play instruments, and do all kinds of sports. He is a very talented and athletic person, who is also very enthusiastic. Millions of girls all over the world go crazy for him, including me.He changed a lot of people’s lives, and has helped others believe in themselves.

His name is Justin Drew Bieber, who is someone very important to me, and is also a person I look up to. When Justin Bieber was still a little child, he started banging on everything he could bang on. He had this talent inside of him that came out naturally. At a very young age, he learned how to play the piano, guitar, trumpet, and drums without taking any lessons.

His single mom, Pattie, started taking videos of him singing, or playing instruments for Justin’s grandparents to watch on YouTube, but something unexpected happened.His voice blew many people’s minds. Within months, Justin was an Internet sensation, with a large following of fans, and an eager manager, Scooter Braun, arranged for the young teenager to fly to Atlanta to consider a record deal. There, Bieber had a chance meeting with Usher.

He had confidence in him, he sang for Usher in a very relaxed way. He was quickly loved by Usher, and so he eventually signed the young singer to a contract. Justin Bieber’s first single, “One Time”, went to the very top of the music boards. He released several albums, from “My World” to “Believe”.

Each of his albums hit the top, and his fans grew; most of his fans turned into fans for a lifetime. He wins a lot of awards each year, with all the hard work he has done. His documentary, “Never Say Never” was a huge it too. This movie made me cry. The Justin Bieber: “Never Say Never” movie is the inspiring true story and rare inside look at the rise of Justin from street performer in the small town of Stratford, Ontario to internet phenomenon to global super star culminating with a dream sold out in twenty minutes, show at the famed Madison Square Garden in 3-D.

By watching his videos during his childhood times, I thought in my mind, “I have never, ever seen such a talented little child”. He was there, doing what he does. All of a sudden playing instruments her mother’s friends brought just to play for fun. He was very interested in them, and started to play better and better. When the camera zoomed into his brown eyes, I could sense that he has a dream, a big dream that would wanna be pursued.

He grew up and started to post some videos on YouTube and never thought he would be discovered. His talent blew everyone’s mind. That cover I first watched from him was “With You” originally by Chris Brown.Not to be very offensive, but I think Justin’s version is way better.

He was signed and made a lot of indeed, very lovable music. His first album “My World” to “My World 2. 0”, then to his Christmas album, “Under the Mistletoe” were hits worldwide. He has done a world tour once, and is currently on his second world tour now. His latest album, released last June 19, 2012, were elements of dance-pop and R&B.

This album was a bit different from his past albums. Entertainment Weekly praised Bieber's evolution, calling the album both a "reinvention and a reintroduction."His more matured and deeper voice is different, but true “Beliebers” still love it. Although it showed a different side of him, he was not afraid to show it.

He still does what he does, and makes music for his fans. Justin Bieber’s life is not as easy as we think. The media and people always expect him to get better; they expect him to have a better song after another. He may have a lot of fans, but also has a lot of haters. Some of his songs are about love, and some of his songs are like stories about his experience in life, and what positive mind he should always have.

He influences people like me. “I will never say never, I will fight till forever”, a line from his song “Never Say Never” inspires us to fight till forever even if people may knock you down. “Cause everything starts from something, but something would be nothing, nothing if your heart didn't dream with me. Where would I be, if you didn't believe”, is another line from his song “Believe”, which reminds me if I do not believe in myself, nothing great would happen. My dream would not be reached if I do not believe.