As a recent immigrant to the United States, I want to be certain that I can provide for myself and help my family transition into their new roles as American citizens. I am choosing to do this via a position as a junior accountant in an established accounting firm. I believe that I can complete the academic requirements for this within five years and find a job with an appropriate firm soon after that. My choice is based on many reasons: First, I believe I have the mathematical skills to be a good accountant.Second, accountants are generally in demand and the work is steady and third, I can accomplish this while acclimatizing to my new country.

The joy of choosing a career in mathematics is that numbers are generally universal. There is no language barrier when dealing with mathematics. There is no ambiguity, slang or uncertainty. With numbers, inflection and body language and familiarity with the local culture is not required.

A seven is always a seven, no matter what. My choice to pursue a career in accounting is related to this simplicity, both in the study and in the end of my education.Studying mathematics is something I am good at. To say I “have a head for numbers” is absolutely correct. I understand what they mean and what column they go into.

Accounting isn’t quite that simple as there are complex rules which change regularly what can be deducted and what can be claimed on tax forms and as business deductions and the like, but I understand it and I am good at it. Another reason that I intend to be employed at an accounting firm within five years is that accounting is steady work. Whether the economy is good or bad, people need accountants.The work does not depend on the latest innovations, market trends or financial situations. As long as we have a money-based economy, we will need accountants to keep the money straight. I also think that it is important to begin my career working for someone else in their accounting firm.

This is because it is expensive and risky to start one’s own business, even in a field where work is virtually guaranteed. I choose to find employment with another firm so that I can further develop my skills and become used to working with clients before I choose to begin my own business.It will also help customers to learn about me and my skills so that in the future I can build my own business if I choose to. Finally, I am choosing to pursue my career as an accountant with someone else’s firm because I can accomplish this goal while I learn to be a good American citizen.

My family recently came to this country and I appreciate that I can become accustomed to it while learning and planning my career. It would be difficult to simply jump into the business world in an entirely new country with no experience and no friends.I am looking forward to taking my classes at a pace that allows me to learn more about my new homeland and still excel in my studies. I believe that if I had chosen to pursue a career which happened more quickly, I might not be ready for the social aspects of my new country. In addition, if I had chosen a career that required extensive language use, I might not be prepared for the small language differences that come from learning about a country and its language and living it.

I also did not want to choose a career that would tie me up forever in schooling and prevent me from getting to the point quickly where I can help the rest of my family acclimate to their new home as well. In short, I have chosen a career path that allows me to keep my priorities straight. My first love is my family and choosing a career in accounting allows me to begin helping them as soon as possible. This plan of action also lets me use a skill I have already developed and enjoy (math) to make my life better.

I expect to accomplish this within five years.