Outcome 11. All people with autism share similar difficulties however there condition will affect them in different ways. Some people with autism may live relatively normal lives were some people may need assistance with their learning disabilities. People with autism may experience some sensitivity to noise or sounds ( when talking to someone with autism your volume may seem a lot louder as if you were shouting at them.) they may experience oversensitivity or under sensitivity of touch, smells , tastes or light.

2. Some people with autism may have difficulties with both verbal and nonverbal communication or may not speak at all (very little). They may use sign language or makaton of their way of communicating with others which not all people are familiar with. People with autism can sometimes find it hard to understand peoples feeling and emotions and expressing their own which can make it hard for them to fit in socially.

3. A person with autism may have problems with completing some activities as they may have difficulties with interacting with others socially or may need adapted equipment which may not be available which restricts them when participating.Outcome21. Each individual has their own care plan which identifies their preference, strengths weaknesses and abilities as they all vary within the individual.

This helps us to offer the correct level of support to each trainee. 2. People with autism have different strengths and symptoms some may be able to interact with their peers were as others may have no social interaction. 3. Asperger syndrome is associated with autism; many people with autism may have seizures. 4.

Sensory difficulties could be communication (not have the ability to communicate.) Eye contact ( always to be avoided)Outcome 31. People with autism can become anxious if their routine has changed or been interrupted it is important to them to follow a routine that they are used to and feel comfortable with. They can may show behaviour problem, self-harm or even hit out if their routine is changed.

2. If a routine is taken away it is hard for them to understand as everything runs in patterns / routines and if they’re not then there will be signs of frustration and confusion. 3. Talk to them and ask them what is wrong (in a calming voice) taking them away from the situation for a walk or in another room. Sometimes a change of face can help.Outcome 41.

In a trainees care plan will outline their routine associated with autism. Without any structure or routine an individual can become very vulnerable. 2. Formal are social workers, social care workers, doctor’s nurses, behavioural specialists, speech therapists. Informal are families/ carers and also autism awareness groups. 3.

It is important to involve families, carers, parents in a person centred approach because their care plan will be structured around the individual identifying all their wishes and preferences and level of support needed in supporting them correctly and efficiently. 4. When working with a trainee there day is documented by support staff carers and families so everyone working with them has a background which leads to good partnership work. 5. This can be done by keeping things in a structured routine, offering reassurance when needed, give plenty of praise and encouragement being able to identify any triggers that may occur.

Outcome 51. You have to speak to a person with autism with a calm reassuring voice; your body has to be respectful. Not to let your own personal views or opinions impact on the way you support an individual. 2. Aspects of environment that may impact on communication can be to many people being in an environment not being able to hear one another , traffic, music or television being too loud or an individual being in environment that they don’t feel comfortable in so they with draw themselves from it.

3. Speak slowly to an individual, eye contact, nonverbal trainees may wish to communicate with pictures sign language or makaton. 4. Pictures sign language or makaton 5.

Families, social workers, doctors, speech therapists, support staff, you could find their communication preference in their care plan.