Nature has provided the perfect laboratory for all the principles of life and has gradually unfolded her truths to the ever-searching scientist. With all his knowledge and skill, he has discovered the family members of the plantae kingdom.Man, through his intelligence and ingenuity, has learned to make use of the most limitless plant resources of the world. Through extensive plant industries, both native and cultivated plants are grown for the valuable products which they yield.

The uses of plant products in the industries of the nation are so numerous that they already became a part of our everyday living. Plants really affect our life in countless ways.Man’s ingenuity has found millions of other uses for plant life. Have you ever thought that there would be no modern cities without crop plants? The native plants of any one region couldn’t possibly supply the need of all the people in any large city today. Plant materials are brought to town everyday in large amounts-for foods, for building supplies, for industrial uses, for medicines, and many other present day activities. Our whole way of modern life is concerned with plants and with the products they produced.

By cultivating and improving the plants, we gain a tremendous advantage in the world of life. In building our own civilization, the world changes from day to day, from year to year, and from age to age continue to make billions of great things which we can use in promoting our ways of life.Today, we accept science and pay attribute to those who make new discoveries. In this age of super consumption, marketers have trained us to seek out of the brands that deliver superlative benefits over the competitions “The tightest ship in the shipping industry”, “the ultimate driving machine”, “the greatest show on earth”, and “the best man can get”.

We purchase these items thinking we are getting the most for our money, which will better our lives in some way. Sometimes more is not more. Consider household cleaning products. “Industrial strength” is one marketing infused brand attribute that suggest cleaning products that will make our homes cleaner and that’s the job will be done faster or cheaper, or all of the above. “Industrial strength” tell us that the cleaning product s is so strong that it really doesn’t belong in our homes. As consumers, we are driven to want such products, simply because we’re technically not supposed to have them at least according to the marketers.

The truth is many ingredients in the common household cleaning products were grown to trust are harmful to our health. As consumers, why would we want such products around us, our families or pets? The problem is, most consumers aren’t aware of the hidden dangerous of these popular cleaning products present to our health nor are they aware how pervasive these health threats are. Most products bear the warning “Keep out of reach of children” in bold type on the label. As consumers, we believe that if our children don’t ingest these products, they will not be harmed by these. Consider though that the most common methods of exposure are through the skin and respiratory tract.

Children are frequently in contact with the chemical residue; housecleaning products leave behind by crawling, lying and sitting on the freshly cleaned floor. Children especially infants and toddlers, frequently put their fingers on their mouths and noses, increasing ricks for exposure. When infants eat solid food, how common is it that the food is placed directly on a high chair tray that has just been wiped down with a household cleaner or dish detergent? Another factor is that, pound for pound children’s exposure are higher than adult’s because, although the amount of chemicals in an exposure remains equal, children’s bodies are smaller so the concentration is stronger, essentially. Also, their immune systems are still developing.

Thus, children are probably the highest risk population for chemical exposures through cleaning products. For many of these rare reasons, pets may also be at risk. Other populations with a pronounced risk are breast cancer victims, the elderly, asthma and allergy sufferers and those with compromise immune systems. These only prove that natural products are better than the commercialized ones.You may be thinking that the diluted aspect of off-the-shelf cleaning products reduces or altogether eliminate the threat of getting such from your floor polish, window cleaner or air refreshener. However, many of the toxins found in these products are bioaccumulative, meaning the chemicals do not purge easily from the body and over time even mild exposure can add up to toxin levels.

In fact, a medical study recently conducted in IOWA suggests a between certain occupations and bladder cancer. One of those occupations was cleaning services. These products were used repeatedly and routinely in the home to maintain cleanliness, increasing to chances for bioaccumulation of chemicals to the body.Researches points to the toxic effects of not only active but also inactive ingredients-hazards that can affect the central nervous system, reproductive systems and other vital bodily systems. Consumers often don’t have the time or know where to go to find important information about the products they use to make matters worse the information is often presented in highly scientific language that may be difficult to interpret but there are a growing number of consumer-friendly resources that can help us sort through all of us this information and understand what we need to know to make the best possible choices for our families with regard to household cleaners, disinfectant and polishes.These only prove that natural products are better than the commercialized ones- They do more harm than good.

The use of natural cleaning products is certainly becoming the most preferred cleaning alternatives these days. Yes, there are a lot of cleaning solutions out there, but cleaning solutions made from naturally derived ingredients are the most preferred because more and more consumers are really becoming aware of the environments and health benefits of using natural cleaning products. One the most used cleaning products are the floor polish. Natural Pandan floor polish is great for living your floors looking spic and span.Are you one of those people who really do not care about the type of cleaning products that they use- now is certainly the time to care and also switch to using cleaning products produced with natural ingredients. Now, this is the part where you ask this question, “Why on earth do I have to switch to natural cleaning products when the other chemically produced cleaning products work perfectly fine for all my cleaning tasks?”Well, there are two really great reasons why you should switch to natural cleaning products such as Pandan wax; first is its affordability.

A natural Pandan wax sure delivers the same effective floor polishing results than non-natural wax solutions, but at a lower cost. The ingredients used for producing natural Pandan wax and candle are much easier to obtain and are also very affordable as well which in turn makes these natural products more affordable.You must also understand that whenever you spend your money or time on acquiring a natural cleaning product, know that you are not only keeping your home clean, you are also protecting your family as well. You also minimize the pollution of the environment-keeping the environment free of harmful pollutants is like music to the ears of everyone who wants to keep our earth nice and clean.The investigators of Pandan wax are dedicated to helping people find a good floor polish that will give them wonderful polishing results, but is not harmful to the environment as well.

Second reason is safe for use. The chemicals used for the production of non-natural cleaning products can harm the health of the user and the environment. The chemicals used in the production of many of these non-natural cleaning products include neurotoxins, carcinogens, heavy metals, depressants and others. The direct and indirect contact with the aforementioned chemicals can really put the user and everyone else at great risk. These are many health problems that can be caused by not using natural cleaning products such as Asthmatic attacks, Reproductive problems, Respiratory problems and other.

The chemicals in many of these toxic cleaning products enter the human system through air or water. The chemicals can contaminate your source of drinking water or mix with the air you breathe. So you see, cleaning products that are chemically produced can cause diseases, allergic reactions and illnesses. Take the hint!