Themes add purpose to an author’s work. The theme of Into Thin Air creates meaning for Jon Krakauer’s work. The theme of the book is to always respect the power of nature. Into Thin Air has a vital theme because it teaches the readers a lesson.The readers learn a lesson from Rob Hall’s actions.

Rob Hall was the main guide for the Adventure Consultants, his company, during the Mount Everest expedition of spring 1996. Rob Hall wanted to get all of his clients to the summit of Everest safely, knowing and respecting Mt. Everest’s power and ability to be unpredictable. Due to this danger from the ability of nature, Hall planned out precautions in case anything went wrong. For example, he planned for other guides to carry oxygen partially up to the summit. Although, due to the severe conditions on Mt.

Everest and the failure of Hall to fully plan his safety measures, Rob Hall never made it back to the camp alive. To conclude, even though Rob Hall once paid attention to the power of nature, he did not follow his plan through to taking many important precautions, resulting in his death.Through his experience during the Everest expedition, Jon Krakauer learns to be aware of nature and its potential. For instance, Krakauer always wanted to climb Mt. Everest because he loved mountain climbing and also because he viewed Mount Everest as nature at its greatest. In addition, Krakauer knew to double check everything because the gales and storms can effect equipment.

So, he checked and re-checked his equipment, incluging his oxygen tank and ropes. In the end, Krakauer’s efforts paid off and showed. As an illustration, Andy Harris, one of Rob Hall’s guides didn’t re-check his oxygen tanks enough, depriving himself of oxygen, which lead to his death. Therefore, readers are shown that the ability of nature is something to be respected and should be taken very seriously.The theme of any book is significant to the plot and mood of the story because it provides new lessons or gains for the reader.

The lesson for the reader to gain is to be conscious of the capability of nature. The theme of Into Thin Air justifies the meaning of Jon Krakauer’s book. In closing, an author’s work gains a message and reason from a theme.