With the advancement of time, large shopping complexes have sprung up. The main idea behind such shopping areas is to provide all the things the customer might want to buy, under one roof. As the sizes of the malls increase the products also increases. This makes it difficult for a customer to search for specific items.

As a result, a lot of commotion may arise, disrupting the essence of shopping. Also, a customer might sometimes have a particular cumulative budget in mind.It then becomes difficult for him to keep in mind the total cost of the things he buys. Keeping this in mind, we may design an intelligent trolley that can perform a variety of functions and would be helpful to the customer.

The main functions of this trolley are as follows: • An indication devise mounted on the trolley in the form of a touch screen. - The figure above shows the top view of a large shopping alley. At the entrance, the customers are required to collect the intelligent shopping trolley.On the trolley there will be an interactive touch screen (in our project, to keep the cost low, we shall be using the general PC monitor. The customer can enter the details of the products he needs to procure.

The information is sent to the database of the system to check out the locations of the products. Once the products are selected the intelligent trolley will automatically find the shortest distance of travel. The indicators on the trolley will then help the customer to reach the product. As, shown in the above figure, if the customer at the entrance chooses products A, B and C.

The intelligent trolley automatically identifies the shortest route as the blue line as shown in the figure. Then, the customer moves on and collects his products. The RFID card reader will be mounted at the bottom the trolley. Throughout the shop floor RFID cards will be placed.

As the trolley moves over the cards, the reader will be able to read the cards and send the information back to the central consol/ software. The software then identifies the position of the trolley based on the database stored.Cumulative Budgeting System: In this system, the bay of the trolley in which the products are to be kept contains another RFID reader. Whenever a customer selects an item he is required to swipe it by the card reader and keep it in the trolley. Each product will have a RFID tag to it.

The price of the product will be stored in it. Once it is swiped into the trolley, a small display screen will show the cumulative costs of the products in the trolley. If the customer wishes to de-select a product, he simply swipes it out keeping a button pressed.