As we are all aware reducing the amount of fuel consumption has turned into a controversial discussion for the past 2 decades. I personally am of the belief that increasing petrol cost is not the only solution to resolve the traffic issues and inevitably, governors should choose alternative parameters to decrease the potential causes of such difficulties. Living in the 21st century has increased people`s tendency to use their private cars excessively in comparison to the past, chiefly because of the modern lifestyle that people have chosen for themselves.In addition, expensiver petrol price might be a constructive measure for the experts to control over consumerism culture among their citizens. Despite all the efforts made by the authorities, many governments have failed to find an appropriate answer over this concern, irrespective of all the rules and regulations which have been designed to help them in more beneficial methods.

Plus the fact that increasing fuel price may lead the society in a higher inflation as it plays an important part in every aspect of individual`s life. I believe that there are several constructive ways to tackle such problems. Firstly, well-equipped public transportation could play a key role to decline the traffics on roads. Secondly, the experts must undoubtedly, improve people`s awareness about the serious damages affecting their health as well as their environment.

Eventually, children education and encouraging them to be more passionate about their environment could be two examples of the possible practical actions against the air pollution.In conclusion, I must say that it is far more preferable to develop a consumption policy rather than rising prices which may have a reverse effect in the long run. I think that to solve traffic and pollution problems, several measures need to be sorted out, besides increasing the price of petrol.