On examination, the vast amount of scriptures seems to point to the conclusion that abortion is both morally and religiously wrong.

Although the profane might apply there own set of ethics to the debate, it has to be understood that a devout follow of Christianity leads his life by the teachings of the bible, and everyone is entitled to their beliefs, whether or not we agree with them. Since the bible has no direct references to abortion, a conclusion must be drawn from interpretations of biblical references.These are, however, open to many different interpretations. It is disputes like this which have lead to the split in Christian beliefs on the issue, as with many others. Taken out of context, quotes could be used to justify or condemn any action.

Overall though, I would have to say that the bible seems to opt for the view that everything is predetermined by god, and as such we should not interfere with his plans. This does, however, seem to contradict itself by the way that, if God is all powerful and controls life, is it not his will controlling the abortion.Also, if there is something threatening mother and child, ten it has been placed there by God for whatever reason (of course this is explained away by the ever versatile and time worn rhetoric - God works in mysterious ways, which seems to be somewhat of a get out clause in many of these situations when Christianity finds itself in a difficult situation) In order for one to come to a proper conclusion on any matter, the Biblical principles that are plain and clear must be considered. The Bible is straight forward on life, that is that God is the giver of life, and the taker away of life (Acts 17:26-28).

Our lives are in his hand. It also states that life begins at conception (Jeremiah 1:5), that to take another's life is murder (exodus 20:13), and only God ahs the authority over the creative act as well as its demise. Anything less than these principles goes against the Biblical injunctions. Since it is generally accepted in Christianity and the Bible teachings that disease is engineered by God as either punishment or test of faith, then any disease which threatens the mother which then in turn threatens the baby which could be averted by an abortion would automatically be disqualified.If you are following the Bible to the letter then you should leave both to die as they are in the hands of God.

You have no right to take the life of the foetus, even if to anyone else this seems totally irrational. The only way that you could really justify abortion as a Christian is if you were to accept that the Bible is not in fact the literal word of God but rather its interpretation and is not supposed to be taken literally but in more of a metaphorical sense.Many ideas in the bible are outdated ideas and meanings have been lost by translation, so really this is the only way that the Bile could be looked upon. It is true that individuals have choices, and for a woman, to choose to abort is her choice. She may be wrong according to the principle, but it is still her choice.

Mankind can legislate morality (e. g. adultery, cheating, etc. ), but he cannot legislate righteousness. That has to come from within the individual out of conviction. The law legislates that a person should not lie and cheat, but people choose to do those things every day.

Therefore, it is also true of a woman seeking an abortion; she makes a choice out of her personal will. For Christians to impose Biblical principles upon a non-Christian, especially on such an emotionally loaded situation as abortion, and to try to stop her through protesting, is not the way to go about it. Whether or not a Christian is to allow abortion is entirely dependant on their own personal interpretation of the Bible and the references in question. It really isn't our pace to decide whether or not a Christians beliefs are right or not.

Our interpretation of a particular Bible reference and how strongly we feel about it will vary from person to person. If the Bible is such an absolute guide to life, then it has to be asked; what does the bible say about abortion? Well, absolutely nothing, so really it is down to the reader to draw there own conclusions. Personally I believe that the Bible is far too distorted from its original form from hundreds of years of translation and changing language that nothing in it can be taken literally, or the majority even under advisement. It is tainted by every person who has re-written it.