Taking one of the five outcomes (Be Healthy, Stay Safe, enjoy and Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution, Achieve Economic Well-being), and discuss how it should inform work with children in the early years.

It can be easy to focus on topic, be healthy- its important to set in context of every child matters as a whole, setting up services for children and families. Childrens Act 2004, legislation which puts the obligation to provide partnership, sure start children centres. Schools need to take 5 outcomes into account.Agencies have to address these issues, but doesn’t have a priority like it did with labour government. Government focus more on education, rather than integration of services.

ECM is still the underpinning framework. Discuss of it should inform work on children in the early years, under the age of 8. as part of that- what makes working with younger children different. How do we work with parents with the direct work of children. Taking into consideration professionalisation and training for early years.

Improving quality of the work force.Think particularly about working with different children. How can we influence children to be healthy from an early age? When they might not be in a child care setting- how can promote this at home. A lot of scope to interest and explore and find out about. Understanding Early years policy – peter boldock damain fitsgerald and janet kay on reading list and copies in library. Richard barker- understanding every child matters.

Good place to start initial research. What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?What effect will its introduction have on work with children in early years provision? “Our aim is to make this country the best place in the world for our children and young people to grow up. ” Discuss this key aim of the Children’s Plan 2008. analysid and evalutation fo recent policy and changes in realtion to younger children, the quote from tony blair, emphasisng early education supporting children development to cominsate and ultimately well educated work force to complete the world in terms of creativity.Exploring a theme in a role in the state and they influence the population progresses and develops, if you put all the empahsis on education, what about people who arnet acedemic? What do we mean by education- purley on exam results or well rounded happy people who have the energy to be related.

Looking at the philophy of early years and how we as a society influence early years. Same set reading. What are the options families have when looking for day care for their pre-school children? How effective is this provision? “Child care provision increases or reduces over time depending on political priorities.”Discuss. Look at historical perspective, during second world war – a lot of nursery places. Looking at how things have changed over time and how the gov played a role in that.

Nowerdays- it is unusual to be a stay at home mum, expected to be working. Looking at the whole agende of lifting children out of poverty ensuring they work. Schools dont achieve their funding gets reduce- increases worse results. Part of every child matters- these targets will work.

One hard copy. And online. Level 11 in the lifelong learning centre.