The title of this book is The Hiding Place.

The author of The Hiding Place is Corrie Ten Boom. The Hiding Place was published by Bantam Books. There are 241 pages in The Hiding Place. The genre of The Hiding Place is a biography. The setting of this story is in Haarlem, Holland, in the Beje and the prisons such as Scheveningen, Vught and Ravensbruck. The setting is integral because it has specific time and dates.

The main characters are Corrie, Betsie, and Casper.Corrie is round and dynamic and she helps Jews so they won’t be caught so she hides them in the Beje and she has trouble praying for the Germans. Betsie is round and static and she is sick but still tries her best to preach and she prays for the Germans. Casper is round and static and tries to help the Jews even if they endanger him. The main conflict of this story is that the Nazis are invading Holland and the Jews are being killed, but the Boom family helps them by hiding them in the Beje where they cannot be captured by the Nazis.

The main theme of this story is that God has His purpose for everything. From this book, Corrie is ungrateful for many things when she is in prison, but after thinking about everything again Corrie realizes that God has given so many things to her like the Bible and that He has a purpose for everything even if it seems absolutely useless to her. She didn’t realize the importance of the people around her and why she needed them but after thinking through about what had happened she understands that God has given her many things that she doesn’t think as important.The event that reinforces the theme of this story is that when Corrie had fleas on her bed she was very ungrateful for it but Betsie still told her to be grateful even if it is such a trivial thing.

Those fleas made the guards not want to go her place and because of that the Bible in the room is still safe and not taken by the guard. The literary device in this story is metaphor such as, when Casper reads the Book of Isaiah in the Bible which reads that God is our hiding place and our shield.It refers to the Beje when the Nazis capture the Jews in the time of war. I chose this story so I could learn more about what it was like back then when the war was going on and how hard it was. This story has impacted me on many things like being a true Christian then was harder than being a true Christian now and that how we should be grateful for living in a time like this.

The moral lesson of this story is to do the right thing as a Christian and to always be grateful even if we are in a time of suffering we need to keep going and never give up.I learnt that life is short so we need to make the best of it and never waste it just like what Corrie did in her remaining years of life. Summary It is the 100th anniversary of the watch shop and the Boom family is celebrating and many people come to visit them to congratulate their father, Casper. It is in the time of war and the Jews are being killed and tortured by the Nazis. The Boom family feels pity for them so they try to hide the Jews in the Beje.Jews come to live in their house and they made a hiding place for the Jews where they could hide if there were Germans coming to their house.

Their house became a part of a community where the people would pray and sing. Eventually they were found out for hiding Jews so the Boom family was taken to jail where they had to move to Scheveningen. There Corrie became ill so she went to solitary prison cell and she was in the point of giving up but God still helped her in the times of need.Then Corrie and Betsie both went to Vught where Corrie was given the 4 gospels by the nurse in the hospital and she was very grateful for she was longing for reading the Bible for a long time. They again went to another prison called Ravensbruck and the situation there was worse than the last prison but even if this happened they continued to preach the gospel with the Bible to the people in the jail. They kept preaching even if they were very tired and preached to all the people who were willing to learn about the Bible.

There many miracles happened like when the vitamin bottle that Betsie had never seemed to empty even if they gave it to many people who were ill, the Bible was never taken from them by the guards, and also Betsie had a vision that Corrie would be released in 1945 and make a big home for the people who had been hurt in the war and it was very vivid andall came true. Corrie was released and came back to Holland. The road back to Holland was long and Corrie arrived at Willem first then she went to the Beje.She then talked with the churches and groups of people about her experiences with Betsie.

There she talked to Mrs. Bierens de Haan, a rich woman who said that if her son would come home then she would make Betsie’s dream come true by using her mansion. Her son came home and the mansion was made for people who had been in the war where they learnt to forgive the Germans when they have made the people from Holland very angry but Corrie tries to continue Betsie’s dream and to teach them to forgive just like Betsie did when Corrie had trouble forgiving the Germans.