Happy moments are everyone dream. In my whole life, it is uncountable how many happy moments that I’ve gone through since I was small. Happy moments are something that made us very happy and it is unforgettable. It will never be erased out of our mind and we will always remind of it for the rest of our life. It might happens daily,weekly,monthly and even annually but it really happened.

it makes us smile to the ears and sometimes it tears us down. I just can’t imagine how does it feel if we don’t experienced all those happy moments.When I was in primary six at the age of 12 , there’s a moment that made me felt like I was the luckiest person in the world. I’ve been announced as the best student with an excellent result in UPSR with my others two friends. At first,I didn’t believe it at all because I never expected that I could got that such good result. At that time,everybody was hugging me and congratulate me for my excellency.

I just don’t know how to express those feeling but for sure it is beautiful,wonderful and amazing. It was such a good day after all.Furthermore,my parents also organized a surprise party for me as they knew my UPSR’s result . At first,I was feeling so sad because once I backed home with a big smile on my face,my house was empty. There’re nobody inside and I only received a card which was left on the table telling that my parents were out for work. They don’t even congratulate me.

But soon after that,my grandma called me and asked me to come to her house and stayed with them while my parents were out for work. I just did what they asked me to do so. When I reached at my grandma house,I saw many cars parked at the garage .I was quite nervous and soon I opened the door,I saw so many people inside waiting for me. During that time,my tears suddenly goes down. It was really sweet and I thanked my parents for everything.

It happened again when I was in form 3. I was sitting for my PMR examination. on The 25th of December 2011,I was announced as one of the 99 person who got straight’s A in PMR examination. It really shocked me out. If we turn back the time,everyone must not believe that more than half of the students in form 3 achieve an excellent result in the real PMR examination.Our batch were also famously known for our bad behaviour and because of that no one expected that we could manage to get that result including me.

It just like a dream but I knew that it was reality. I believe that everything happened for a reason. We made the school felt very proud of us and managed to braught Kolej to the third place out of more than 100 school in Sarawak. it was such a wonderful moments that I will never forget until the last of my breath. On the 18th February 2012,I was celebrating my 16 birthday. t was a great moment after all.

I was celebrating my birthday as an upper form student not more a lower form.Eventhough I was not celebrating my birthday as my previous birthday party but it still fun to celebrate it in a simple way. I still can remember how my mother expression when I told her that I don’t want to celebrate my birthday party anymore because I’m now a teen’s enough and I don’t need that birthday party with all balloons all over the house because it really make me shy.I knew my mom had a good intention because she wanted to be fair with all her children but I really don’t need that huge party.

It was more than enough if me and my family were having a great dinner together because my family rarely having a dinner together because everyone was busy with their work. And on that day,all my wishes came true. All my family members went to the special restaurant which had been booked just to have a dinner together instead of celebrating my birthday. I really miss all those moments.

Everyone was free from their work and I can saw a smile on their face. Lived in a hostel was also one of my happy moments which is priceless. I never thought that lived in a hostel gave me so much precious moments. I learn to be independent,I learn to communicate and live with the person that I never thought that I will be living with them,I learn how to face all problems when my parents were not beside me and the most important thing was I learn to appreciate every people in front of me especially my friends.My friends were always stay beside me come hell or high water.

They lend me their ear when I need someone to talk,they lend me their shoulder when I felt like I want to cry and they gave me spirit and advices every time I felt down. it just a very nice of them,we study together,we solve problem together,we cried together,we laugh together and we often do everything together. I could not imagined how will I lived without my friends.As a conclusion,happy moments are priceless. It cannot be buy and it will never be buy. For me,being a teenage is one of the most happy moments that I’ve gone through and for sure I will never forget all those happy moments.

This is because it was very meaningful for me and I can’t explained if anyone asked me why all those moments are very meaningful for me but for sure it is such a great,beautiful and wonderful moments that I think nobody can understand it.