Every painting had its hidden emotions on it like this one by Mary Casatt. This painting, “A woman and the child in the driving seat”, best described an attachment of a child to whoever she feels safety with. In this painting we could see a woman and two children painted in such a good stroke of oil paint. When you first see this painting you could imagine that it is taken by a professional camera on a very long time. The woman was painted in such a realistic way, she shows how the women dresses on the ancient time.

As the behavior of the mother, the woman on the painting also shows how she took care of the ride with the two children feels still on her side. This painting shows the natural flow of life, how the mother (woman) took care of her children. Psychologically, it is the attachment formed between the child the mother, wherein the children feels their safety with. The strong bond they feel with each other was best described by this painting.