Shirkira PIttman March 15,2013 Cultural and Intellectual Life In life you will find that many people have belief systems or cultures that help make up their life.

Culture is a type of tradition,value, heritage shared with a group or nation. Throughout mainly history, many different cultures have experienced a Golden Age; it is when great advances were made in a variety of different fields. A Golden Age is also a time of prosperity for many people. There are many cultures that experienced a Golden Age.For Example, The Athens,Greece and The Han Dynasty both flourished during their Golden Age and had many achievements that are well known today. The Athens, Greece culture experienced a Golden Age.

Greece Golden Age was a time when Greeks had confidence in the human mind. The Athens used philosopy; philosophy was a way that they could express their self. Philosophy to us is a system of ideas that is concerned with worldly goals; that was early developed by a brillant scholar Confucius. Confucius is someone who I call powerful because he dedicated himself to education and public service.As a teacher Confucius spread education to both rich and poor. Confucius influenced thousands but he never wrote down his ideas.

Thousands of philosophers were inspired by him. For Example, Aristotle was Plato most famous student; who later developed ideas about the government; he adressed the questions of how people should live. He analyzed all forms of government from democracy to monarchy. From all of our understanding; Democracy is a government in which people hold ruling power and Monarchy is a government in which a king or queen exercises central power.Socrates was also a philosopher. Socrates was different, he was an outspoken critic and Athenian stonemason; who wrote no books.

Socrates often passed his days in town square asking people about their beliefs, using a process called the ''Socratic Method. The ''Socratic Method'' is a method that was invented by Socratic, which includes asking someone who was lost, or someone that's having a terrible day, a numerous of questions to find the true meaning behind what they really meant or what was really going on.Plato was a student of Socrates; Socrates left Plato with a life long distrust of democracy; he thought women were superior to men; people could discover his unchanging ethical values, and learned the importance of reason. Greek Literature, was another aspect that contributed to the Golden Age.

The two types of Greek Literature are tragedies or comedies. Tragedies are plays that tell stories of human suffering; comedies are humorous plays. The Athens were also known for their Art and Architecture. For example, the most famous example of Greek architecture is the Parthenon.

The Parthenon is a temple that was dedicated to the goddess of Athena. The Han, China culture experienced the Golden Age. The Han, Dynasty began in 206 B. C.

when a man named Shi Huangdi; he was born a peasant, he led a group of generals to overthrow the dynasty. Shi Huangdi was the first emperor, his methods were often referred to as brutal. The Hans started a 400 year of prosperity. This year is referred as China's first Golden Age.

The conquering of other territories was ''Wudi policy'' which was called expansionism. Expansionism is a process of expanding a country's territory; by incresing the amount of land under the Chinese rule.Wudi was the most famous Han emperor, who helped strengthened the government and economy from about 141 B. C.

when he started to 87 B. C. when his reigned ended. Wudi opened up ''Silk Roads. '' Silk Roads are the network of trade routes.

Han emperors often took on the belief systems of Confucianism. The belief system of Confucianism would involve well-educated people to run the government. During the Golden Age, China made many advances. Han, China advanced in science and Medicine.

Han scientists wrote texts on chemistry, zoology, botany and other subjects. The chinese physicians diagnosed diseases, they developed anesthetics.Han doctors also created acupunture; acupunture is a medical treatment that includes the act of a doctor to insert ineedles into the patient's skin at specific points to relieve pain or treat illnesses. Han, China also had poets, and artisans. Their artisans produced delicate jade and ivory carvings and fine ceramic figures. The author of ''Lessons For Women'' by Ban Zhao favoured equal education for boys and girls, he mainly stressed that women should be obedient, respectfully and submissive.

Han, China and Athens, Greece had many achievements. These achievements were very similar to each other.In Han, China and Athens, Greece both took much interest in education. For example they both developed writing systems;took interest in Greek Literature.

They wrote text on chemistry, botany, physics. Most cultures came to the Athens, so they could teach their students. Technology was another skill that they used. Technology is the skills and tools people use to meet their basic needs. In Greece there were philosophers or ''Lovers Of Wisdom'' because they spend most of their time searching for ideas about the world.

Philosophy includes logic; logic is rational thinking, and rhetorical is the art of speaking.The Han, China and The Athens, Greece cultures both experienced the Golden Age. It's quite interesting the things that they used; we now use today. For instance, they helped advanced education by the use of writing systems and the first school ''The Academy.

''Today we are entitled to go to school or we would'nt have decent jobs. They even used architecture to build the Parthenon. Around the world; some buildings are made with the same foundations of the Parthenon. This is'' A New day'', and ''A New Era''; and we all know if everything stayed the same; there would'nt be a such thing as ''Evolution''.

People from all types of the world still use the ''Socratic Method. '' In some colleges students still study philosophy and create new ideas. Greek Literature is also used today, we would'nt have some of the powerful poets without it. For example Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, or William Shakespeare.

The ancient cultures were'nt the only ones who experienced the Golden Age. The United States once experienced a Golden Age during the 1920's with the invention of the radios, the automobiles; Henry ford invention of the assembly line and Thomas Edison invention of ''lights'' that lit up our homes with the light bulb.