Gold is still perfect money, perhaps more perfect money than money. Gold remains the time-honored standard of wealth that no other currency can match. Gold has a long and complex history. From gold’s first discovery, it has symbolized wealth and guaranteed power. Gold has caused obsession in men and nations, destroyed some cultures and gave power to others. The rise of a gold standard was meant to stabilize the global economy, dictating that a nation must limit its issued currency to the amount of gold it held in reserve.

Great Britain was the first to adopt the gold standard in 1821, followed, in the 1870s, by the rest of Europe.The system remained in effect until the end of the First World War, after which the US was the only country still honoring the Gold Standard. After the war, other countries were allowed to keep reserves of major currencies instead of gold. The arrival of the great depression marked the end of the U. S. export of gold in the 1930s.

By the mid-20th century, the US dollar had replaced gold in international trade. The former President of United States Herbert Hoover had said, “We have gold because we cannot trust Governments. And also, he concluded that is perfect for 5 reasons:1. Durability: Gold won’t rot, break, crumble, decay, corrode or tarnish.

Gold is unaffected by air, water, and even most acids. 2. Convenience and portability: A lifetime of wealth will fit in your pocket. 3. Divisibility: Gold can easily be divided into smaller amounts.

An ounce of gold can be split 100 or even 1000 times. 4. Consistency: One ounce of pure gold is exactly the same as any other ounce, enabling worldwide trade and liquidity of gold – unlike unique items of jewelry or artwork. 5.

 Demand: Gold has a staggering variety of uses, even more today than in Aristotle’s time. Its unique properties keep the demand high and the relative scarcity of the metal insures continued value. The Perspective of Gold: Gold has always been a monetary commodity and, like dollars and all other paper currencies, has virtually no practical or industrial utility. Gold is not currently a popular medium of exchange among private commercial counterparties, nor is it officially recognized by governments or central banks to be exchangeable in fixed terms with the competing paper currencies they produce.

The World Gold Council estimates that official gold holders (governments and/or central banks that manufacture competing paper money) retain about 30. 7 thousand tons of gold, or about 18% of above-ground physical gold; are currently adding to their physical stocks. Only about 0. 05% of long positions in exchange-traded gold futures contracts actually take physical delivery of gold, and exchange inventories available for delivery are less than 5% of outstanding contracts. As we can see, the left graph is the 1-year gold price, and the trend of price is within $1400 and $1900.

Gold reached to the highest price, nearly $1900 per oz. , but the price dropped significantly in September, 2011. However, by looking the graph on the right side, the trend of gold price is still growing up. Therefore, people might ask: is there room for gold price to go higher? According to the article by Peter Nulty on November 23, 2011, he mentioned that there is certainly a case to be made for gold price to go higher because economic weakness among developed nations and issues surrounding the debt crisis in Europe have created uneasiness and a sense of uncertainty.Since gold has historically been seen as a store of value, it has become increasingly attractive.

In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the current gold market situation and analysis the market for gold to determine why gold is still a good investment. Current Gold Market Situation Typically, the gold market investment is regarded as a hedge tool, especially in times of uncertainty. It also functions as reserve currency that governments hold certain levels of gold reserves against inflation. Gold price is a good indicator of how healthy the economy is, especially the U. S economy.

In general, when the signal of economy decline shows, investors tend to plunge into the gold market to protect their assets from the impact of crises or inflation. During 2012, China, which is world’s largest gold consumer, schedules to open Pan Asian Gold Exchange, which is part of its five-year plan to control global gold market. At that time, the Chinese currency, Renminbi, will for the first time become the ruling currency used in one of the major speculative commodities (Forbes).During 2011, the gold price rose by 9% ending the year at US$1,531/OZ based on the London PM fix, and even hit historically new records in Sep. 011 at US$1900.

1/OZ thanks to the Europe bank crisis and the U. S debt ceiling crisis (Gold Investment Statistics). After a global turmoil in financial market, gold was one of few asset classes to create positive returns in 2011 because of its role as a tool for diversification and risk management. However, the gold price, compared to its history, was much more volatile in 2011. Gold price went up and down frequently and sharply due to a series of uncertainty derived from market chaos.Investors were on edge because of huge concerns about the basic health of global economy and about the monetary policies in the U.

 S, Europe, and China. Stock market fluctuation, China’s growth slow down, further deterioration of Greek finance and its potential ripple effect of Europe member countries, and the possibility of a technical default by the U. S on its government debt pushed the demand for gold market to increase drastically from January to August 2011. However, liquidity problem faced by investors resulted in the short-term drop in gold price because investors were in urgent need to convert their gold investments into cash to cover their losses from Europe crisis.More contributors to short-term drop in gold market in 2012 may be the relatively optimistic economic outlook resulted from slightly improvement on global economy recovery and the easement of China’s tightened monetary policy. Moreover, in 2012, the accommodative monetary policy, applied by Federal Reserve and Europe Central Bank to increase fund liquidity stimulating their economy recovery, may go further to depreciate their currency, which in turn makes gold investment more attractive to investors.

Bank of England has decided to set up quantitative easing program and cut the interest rate to an all-time low of 0. 5%. Europe Central Bank has also decided to put more funds into banking system and maintained its record low interest rate of 1% (The Economist). Federal reserve has declared to provide additional monetary policy accommodation to support a stronger economic recovery and help ensure the inflation (FED).The overall situation remains subject to high uncertainty and downside risks, which makes gold market still favorable for investors’ hedge purposes. Widespread very low interest rate in U.

 S and Europe zone provide a continued support of gold demand, and the deepening uncertainty over the future of the Europe area will further stimulate gold investment. Increasing gold reserves held by central banks is likely to boost gold demand as well. Meanwhile, the increasing demand for gold as inflation hedge in some countries, such as China and India, bolster up the momentum (Gold Demand Trend). The future of gold The benefit of investing gold is that its price in long run will go up eventually. The reasons are not hard to seek. First, gold is finite resource, whose underground reserves will ultimately be completely extracted.

Second, gold population is growing and prospering. This increases gold demand for jewelry and industrial purposes. Third, central banks (notably from Russia, China and India) have been increasing their gold reserves. Final, gold is considered as assets like hard currency not just merely as commodity in reality. All of these points towards an inescapable raise of gold’s value and its price.

Natural resources can be grouped into renewable, or infinite, resources such as coffee, wood and sugar. These commodities can be replenished and will never come to an end. On the other hand, there are finite resources, which cannot be produced.These are plutonium, silver and gold. Gold production and underground gold reserves: In 2009 and 2010 world gold production stood at 2,560 and respectively 2,700 tons. It is estimated by the U.

S. Geological Survey that the world still has gold resources of 51,000 tons, with 33,000 tons identified and the remaining 18,000 tons as undiscovered resources. Thus, with the current annual mining volume, underground gold reserves would last for 20 years. Exhibit 1: Source from http://minerals.

usgs. gov/minerals/pubs/commodity/gold/mcs-2012-gold. pdf Sources of gold supply: However, not all gold supplies come from gold mines.On a five year average (Q1 2007 to Q4 2011) mine production contributed to only 61. 4% (2,337 tons) of the supply flows.

Recycled gold is responsible for 37% of gold supply (1,449 tons). The remaining 1. 5% (47 tons) is net official sector sales (such as from central banks). Sources of gold demand: Certainly, demand goes up in the long term, not only because of India’s and China’s fondness of gold jewelry and their industrial demand for gold.

On a five-year average, gold demand was for jewelry 55. 3% (2,104 tons), investment 32. 7% (1,296 tons) and industrial purposes 12% (455 tons).Gold demand around the world: East Asia, the Indian sub-continent and the Middle East accounted for approximately 65% of consumer demand in 2011. The proportion of demand in Asia will constantly increase.

Investment demand: Since 2003, investment has represented the strongest source of growth in demand. The last five years to the end of 2011 saw an increase in value terms of around 534%. In 2011 alone, investment attracted net inflows of approximately US$82. 9 billion.

Industrial demand: Industrial demand for gold increases with the growing economies, as gold is used in electrical components and medical applications.Recent research has discovered additional uses for gold, such as in chemical processing and pollution control. On the other hand, many products using gold are continuously redesigned to reduce the amount of gold needed (by cladding based metals with gold), or by finding substitutes for gold. These may be palladium, platinum and silver. Furthermore, Gold is uncorrelated with most other assets and moves independent of key economic indicators. This makes it a good diversification opportunity in portfolios.

Studies show portfolios containing gold are more robust and better able to deal with market uncertainties (Jeffrey & Jaffe 1989, FAJ).However, risks of investing gold are as follow: First, the volatility of gold is extremely high. Gold is now at an all-time high. Thus, investors who buy gold now do it when the price is as high as never before. Is this a wise move? The volatility of gold is a market risk.

Investors may get profit in the long run. However, investor may get loss in the short run. Second, another risk is the liquidity risk. This occurs in thinly traded markets, where sellers have difficulties in finding willing buyers. Futures of not actively traded contracts might run into this risk. Shares of small stock mines might also face liquidity problems.

Thirdly, the physical risk is also an issue. Buying gold bars and coins exposes the investor to the risk of loss and theft. Therefore, trading with account is much better way to own gold. As discussed above, we can conclude that the advantage to invest gold is higher than the weakness not to invest gold. Gold is relative a stable investment compared to other investing target.

According to all aspect of analysis, Gold is a necessary and crucial investment in portfolio including government, business and individual. However, Gold is not cheap investment target per unit. Everyone needs to examine each capability to buy it.