“With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it,” said James M.

Inhofe a member of the U. S. Senate. Could this be the true? Many facts behind the controversial issue of global warming prove this statement to correct. Global warming is not caused by human activities. Global warming cannot be completely caused by human’s emission of greenhouse gasses.

”In the last 1. 6 million years there have been 63 alternations between warm and cold climates, and no indication that any of them were caused by changes in carbon dioxide levels” (Contoski). Studies show that over millions of years weather patterns on Earth are always changing. The Earth has been though many spells of cooling like the ice age and also warming. Currently the temperature pattern shows the Earth is actually cooling, not warming “global cooling has been evident for more than a single year.Global temperature has declined since 1998” (Contoski).

How can humans cause global “warming” if the Earth is not warming? Other studies show that the greenhouse gas problem is naturally taken care of by the carbon absorbing plants and trees. ” Earth’s oceans, forests and other ecosystems continue to soak up about half the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by human activities, even as those emissions have increased” (Contoski). Therefore, no matter how much gas we create the environment has a system to keep them under control.”Five hundred million years ago, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 15–20 times what it is today” (Contoski). Another fact to disprove the theory of global warming is the ice sheets. Though, the ice sheets in the Arctic are melting away the ice sheets in the Antarctic in response are growing.

” It's most noticeable in September, when northern ice is at its lowest and southern ice at its highest. For over 30 years, the Arctic in September has been losing an average of 5. 7 square miles of sea ice for every square mile gained in Antarctica” (Borenstein).This proves that though the Earth is warmer on some parts of the globe other parts are at very low temperatures to balance out the ocean levels.

Based on these facts there is good reason to believe global warming is not caused by humans and may not even exist at all. “Greenland in particular has seen a bigger effect on its permanent ice. One reason is that Northern Hemisphere ocean currents are warmer, which leads to more vigorous melting” (Naik A. 3). Others believe that human activities are directly linked to global warming.

”One recent study found that the average global temperature would rise another 3.2° by the end of the century even if human carbon emissions dropped to zero tomorrow” (Roberts 44). Another reason people believe humans cause global warming is that temperatures in the U. S. have been breaking record highs a lot in the past few years.

This reasoning is flawed because, first, predictions from scientist are not always correct; ” All their claims of disasters from global warming have been debunked. All their computer models have been shown to be false, to be based on flawed assumptions, incapable of being reconciled with the observable facts” (Contiski).They could predict one thing while in the next 100 years people will experience the opposite of what they have predicted. Next, the extreme weather patterns can be linked the melting ice sheets in the Arctic because we are also in the northern hemisphere it affects the weather. ” Loss of sea ice in the Arctic can affect people in the Northern Hemisphere, causing such things as a higher risk of extreme weather in the U.

S. through changes to the jet stream, scientists say” (Borenstein).To conclude, many contributing factors are the cause of so called “global warming” not human activities. Global warming is already less of an issue then is has been in years past. The hype has gone and the facts are surfacing.

The future will not be affected and the extreme weather will even out naturally. All facts point to the conclusion that global warming might not even be happening at all. However, if global warming is prevalent it is not as big of a problem as people have made it out to be. Although, the question remains; is global warming a real problem?