Gender Roles in Bangladesh Bangladesh is a country in South Asia. Official Language is Bangla (also known as Bengali). Some of the facts of Bangladesh are listed below: Socially: Men greeting Men– A simple verbal greeting of “Salam Aleikum” tends to be most common.
The appropriate response is “wa alaikum salam”. Handshakes are common as well, more so in business and formal settings. Handshakes tend to be on the light/limp side. Women greeting Women– A simple verbal greeting of “Salam Aleikum” tends to be most common. The appropriate response is “wa alaikum salam”. Good friends and family may engage in a light hug as well.
Handshakes are not as common. Greetings between Men and Women–A simple verbal greeting of “Salam Aleikum” tends to be most common. The appropriate response is “wa alaikum salam”. There is little to no contact between genders. In business and formal situations it is best for men to wait to see of the woman extends her hand first if at all. Greetings Elder–When greeting an elder, many younger people will touch the feet of the elder, with the right hand, and then touch the hand to their lips and forehead as a sign of respect.
Eye Contact–Can maintain eye contact with members of the same sex, but not for an extended amount of time.There tends to be limited to no direct eye contact with members of the opposite sex, especially in religiously conservative areas. Less eye contact can often be a sign of respect. Personal Space–For members of the same sex, holding hands, touching the arm, or putting hands around shoulders is acceptable, except in formal situations or with strangers.
For opposite sexes, it is not acceptable to touch. Views Of Time–Time tends to be very casually viewed and maintained in most areas of the country. It is customary to be late to start meetings or social events, so many people often show up late. This is true both for personal and