1. What is the basic plot of the storyline in the game? I think the base plot of the storyline in the game was some forensic scientist heard an old legend about R.R finding gold but he suddenly disappeared, without a trace by butch the park ranger.2.

What types of evidence did the forensic scientists encounter in the game? The types of evidence that the forensic scientists encountered was soil, fingerprints, and a shoe prints3. Choose one of the locations in the game. Discuss what evidence was found at the location and what challenges the location and evidence might present in the collection of evidence? At the second area of the game the evidence that was found there was shoes print but this time two different shoes print, gold ore, wheel track and alkyl lithium what help me to find out the next location was in the shoe prints there was alkyl lithium, which not be in the desert.4. Did you solve the crime? Who was your choice? Yes I solve the crime it was the park ranger butch and he was my first suspect as soon as I started the game.

1. Please name the four pieces of evidence that you collected at the crime scene. Explain whether you would classify them as physical evidence, documentary evidence, demonstrative evidence, or testimonial evidence and why. ? the evidence I found is some blood and partial fingerprint and a fibers of clothing and shoe print and all the evidence I found was physical evidence because physical evidence includes weapons and hair blood or fibers and fingerprints.2.

What evidence would you consider to be class evidence? Why? The class evidence a fibers of clothing because it come be a fiber that came from a shirt or pants.3. What physical properties were you able to note about the evidence? They Cut the birdbot down. 4. Were you able to solve the crime? Did class or individual evidence play the biggest role? Explain.? Yes I was able to solve the crime yes they did cause if I don’t know what they mean I wouldn’t find who took the Birdbot.

physical properties