“It is unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion that heralds your arrival and prolongs your departure.

” Clothing changed with womens changing roles in modern society, particularly with the idea of freedom for people worldwide. In the “Roaring Twenties”, fashion entered the modern era, impacted lives of kids, men, and women driving them to dress rebellious. Prior to WWI, kids still dressed more or less the way they had for a millennium, like young adults.“By 1920, clothes were very much designed with children in mind, and attention was paid not just to style, but to the comfort and needs of children” (“1920 Children's Fashion Facts”).

Although, comfort was achieved in both style and fabric, whereas for decades everyone had worn many layers, now a summer outfit is only one layer. Therefore, in winter, clothing was kept with a minimal layer. “When people look back on the era, they report 1920’s children’s fashion facts more in light of girls’ clothing than boys’, but both enjoyed radical change” (“1920 Children's Fashion Facts”).Additionally, girls’ particularly spent many centuries being restricted in appearance and movement, so they always had the biggest benefits from new fashions.

Yet, boys’ wore knee-length trousers year-round, eventually they grew shorter, so that boys had bear knees through early boyhood. Cultural changes were vast, and men’s fashion in the 1920’s went through an impressive transformation. “The war changed attitudes and did much to level the classes, which reflected in fashion” (“Men's Fashion in the 1920s”).However, younger men, in a switch from wearing the clothes from their elders, adopted a look all their own baggy plus-fours and wide-legged trousers. Though, for workplace or daily business, men of all ages wore suits due to it being professional and nicer looking.

“Much of men’s clothing in the 1920’s took its cue from what popular athletes were wearing” (“1920s in Western fashion”). On the other hand, the plus-fours, plus-sixes, and plus-eights were worn by gold stars.“Plus” pants are determined by how far the pants fell below the knee before it was closed around the thigh area. Currently, men’s fashion today was influenced by men’s fashion in the 1920s, which is similar to the men’s business attire today.

Women’s fashion has always been influenced by the mode of transportation, the architecture of the period, and the customs of the people. “It was the decade in which women first abandoned the more restricting fashions of past years and began to wear more comfortable clothes” (“1920s in Western fashion”).Nonetheless, during this period of time women’s fashion experienced dramatic changes and wanted to look more appealing to catch guys’ eye. Dresses only got shorter and brighter, many accessories all came together to create a unique, fancy style worn with elegant outfits.

“Women’s fashion in the 1920’s was a rejection of stuffy Victorianism and the rejection of the “Gibson Girl” look” (1920s Women's Fashion). The womanhood of this was the flapper, a cigarette smoking, boozing, young look tried to grasp the look of the prepubescent girl while being public, and sexual.Flappers wore short skirts, wore their hair loosely, and flaunted arrogance for considered acceptable behavior. Thus, the Roaring Twenties redefined womanhood, a new woman evolved; it became more acceptable to smoke and drink in public, closer body contact in dancing, shorter hair, make-up, different styles of dress, and greater contribution in the workforce, all donated to the “new woman.

” “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only.Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas the way we live, what is happening. ” Fashion was an overall dramatic change for kids, men, and women, changing lives and making them only rely on their looks. For all that mattered in the “Roaring Twenties,” the way people changed and how much fashion impacted their lives was impractical. It was that time, when people started flaunting their arrogance and becoming more defiant.