“The Garden Party” “The Doll’s House” “Bliss” “Miss Brill” Katherine Mansfield, born in the country of New Zealand was said to be ‘the best short story writer of her time’. (1) The types of short stories that Katherine Mansfield wrote were mostly a ‘slice of life’, where she used real life experiences to express her themes and ideas. If you were to read one of her stories once through, in a way that you would read a whole book, you would surely miss out on the way Katherine Mansfield conveys meaning in her stories.Throughout her stories she uses every word for a purpose.

I understand that economy of style is an aspect of the short story genre, but Katherine Mansfield sought to enhance this, and I believe she really used her writing as an art getting every detail right to make her short stories full and rich with meaning. I was engaged by the way she could take something so simple, such as objects, like lamps and hats and make it represent something so immense. Katherine Mansfield was born into the Victorian era, and was part of a middle classed family.During the Victorian time there was much distinction between the social classes. Katherine Mansfield however, was one who did not want to conform in order to please others, but saw the upper class as being devoid of warmth and feeling for humanity. This is revealed through some of her short stories, where her own life is seen through different characters.

Her determined, self-willed, and challenging character confronts society and through her short stories Katherine Mansfield questions civilisation and its rights and responsibilities. SymbolismSymbolism is used to show us rather than tell us things of importance and meaning, and in all four short stories Katherine Mansfield communicates through the language of symbolism. At the beginning of the short story ‘Miss Brill’ the character Miss Brill takes out her fur piece to the park. She treats the fur with much respect, as though it is her only friend. We see that the fur is a symbol of her loneliness in life. When she later wears the fur in the park we see that by wearing it she feels a since of normality and pride.

Also in some ways she herself is like the fur.When Miss Brill takes out the fur from ‘its box’ she comments on how she had, ‘shaken out the moth powders, given it a good brush and rubbed the life back into the dim little eyes”. Just like the fur, Miss Brill too is old and has been in her ‘box’ meaning she is lonely and longs for companionship. The symbol of the fur reveals the message that we all have a desire to fit in, to feel wanted, to be included.

No one wants to be alone. This symbolism really pushed my mind to think about the elderly in today’s society and whether or not I am giving them the respect and kindness they need, and deserve.Similarly, in “Bliss” the pear tree represents a state in the characters life. Bertha in the story mentions the pear tree on several occasions and we discover that the pear tree relates closely to her just like the fur in ‘Miss Brill’. Bertha is going through a time of happiness and bliss, though she doesn’t know exactly why she is feeling this way. The pear tree is in the garden and is described as being in ‘fullest richest bloom’.

Bertha also is at her richest bloom, as illustrated by, “And she seemed to see on her eyelids he lovely pear tree, its wide open blossoms as a symbol of her own life”.At the end however the pear tree and its meaning have changed. Bertha discovers that her husband Harry is having an affair, Berthas mood changes, but the pear tree stays the same. The very last sentence of the story, “But the pear tree was as lovely as ever and as full of flower and as still”, shows that though Bertha’s mood and circumstances have changed, the bliss and the feelings she had for her husband were still there. Katherine Mansfield deliberately leaves us with the picture of the pear tree, and suggests that happiness can still be found outside the ‘tight clasp’ that society is holding on her.In “The Doll’s House” the symbol of the lamp, was the most intriguing out of all the symbols found in the four short stories.

The lamp inside the dolls house stood out from all the rest of the little objects in the doll’s house, and particularly appealed to the character Kezia. Kezia really liked the lamp, and when her sister was talking about the doll’s house Kezia didn’t think that, “she was making half of the lamp”. This lamp becomes a symbol that represents hope, truth, enlightenment, freedom, taking a risk and non-conformity. It is a light of truth.Later in the story we see that Kezia is just like the lamp.

She shines her light of kindness to the Kelveys who are of a lower class family who is not allowed to come and see the doll’s house. What Kezia does at the end, inviting the Kelveys to see the doll’s house without permission was a risk for Kezia to take, but it was a risk that ultimately gave the Kelveys hope. Just like the lamp Kezia was different from everyone else. “The lamp was real”, the lamp also represented truth. The truth which Kezia finds is that there is actually nothing wrong with the Kelveys.Furthermore, the doll’s house itself is symbolic of the whole upper class.

It is ‘perfect’ but it smells and “the father and mother dolls, who sprawled very stiff”. This stiffness made me think of the Burnell family and the harshness they showed towards the lower class. But Kezia is the lamp in “The Dolls House”, one who gives us a message of kindness. This message I believe relates a lot to today. What we do and say effect people around us.

Kezia is silenced by her Aunt Beryl after the kindness she shows the Kelveys, but her silence gave our Else a voice.Katherine Mansfield is successful in showing us through Kezia, the willingness to go against normality and a high standard in order to do what you think is right. In the final short story, “The Garden Party” The last story we read was ‘The Garden Party’, Laura who is a member of the well to do middle class family, the Sheridans is planning a garden party, and her mother has ordered a bunch of lilies. The lilies become a symbol of Laura’s life. The lilies were, ‘wide open, radiant, and almost frighteningly alive’….

‘She felt they were in her fingers, on her lips, growing in her breast’.Just like Bertha in ‘Bliss’ Laura is experiencing a time of bright happiness, full of life and youthfulness. The lilies also signify a time awakening of who she was as a person. Another object invested with a special significance is the hat that her mother gives her before the party. Laura has come to her and expressed her concern about a man from the lane below who had died.

Laura is so concerned that she wants to call off the garden party. However, Mrs Sheridan does not think so, and carries a hat to her and, ‘Before Laura could stop her she had popped it on’.The hat is a symbol of class distinction, and the snobbery that the Sheridans show towards the working class. When Laura has the hat on it seems as though the lilies that symbolised her before were blurred.

It was as though she had trouble finding out who she is and who she can be. It also indicates her youthfulness as she is easily distracted by her mother’s social conventions. This evokes the idea that the upper and middle class often would put reality aside and live day to day in the love of their wealth, and their material values. Between the short stories there is a certain connection between the fur and the hat.These two objects are worn for a since of belonging and acceptance, however at the end Laura and Miss Brill both become very self-conscious about them.

Miss Brill thought of her fur has a close friend, but after her humiliation by the hero and heroine about the fur she places it in its box without looking at it with an attitude of blame. Similarly, Laura goes to visit the family of the man who has died and feels very uncomfortable and out of place, “...

if it only was another hat! ” They both come to this awareness of where they stand in society.It is a moment of realisation where they finally are made to question if what they are living like and what they are doing to fit into society’s mould is necessarily right. I think Katherine Mansfield wants all her readers to experience this moment of realisation, because out of this moment Miss Brill and Laura began to live with their hearts, rather than living by their minds. Laura and Kezia and their relationship to the Author (Katherine Mansfield) Kezia from the ‘The Dolls House’, Laura from ‘The Garden Party’ and the author Katherine Mansfield shared certain characteristics.They all had this sparse integrity, going against the social expectations of their society.

The way Katherine Mansfield connected with her characters was a reflection of just how real her experiences were. Katherine Mansfield is much like the two characters Kezia and Laura. She herself did not want to conform to the expectations of society. Daring, and always risking everything she lived a life of her own. She was a short story writer who wrote about things that made some people feel uncomfortable, but what she wrote was true. Like Kezia, Katherine saw the truth and had the integrity to write and question class distinctions.

Like Laura, Katherine has a concern for others, Katherine Mansfield says, “Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different”. Laura in ‘The Garden Party’ does however struggle with who she is and what she should do, and this makes me wonder if Katherine Mansfield at some time in her life also was confused about where she fit in within the strict parameters of society. These two particular stories reminded me of a Proverb in the bible which states, “Better is a poor man that walks in his integrity than one perverse in his ways though he be rich”.The different character that Laura and Kezia had makes me wonder if they knew this in their heart; that though the lower classes were poor, they had more comfort in themselves and were ultimately a greater blessing to the world. I think Katherine Mansfield herself knew this and that’s why she made characters to represent those thoughts.

This is seen in the story the ‘The Doll’s House’ when it says “the Kelveys never failed to understand each other”. The lower class seemed to have certain closeness, possibly because their relationship with each other was all they had.Instead of material things they had love, which to me is so much more fulfilling. Often I find myself wanting things I don’t have, trying to get all the latest material things, trying to be the top, but is the happiness you get from those things lasting? The lower class is content with such things that they had. It implies that love, kindness, and a purpose for life can be enough.

Conclusion One thing that all four stories made me do was have a real concern for the main characters. Katherine Mansfield was capable in her short stories of making you genuinely interested in their future lives.In ‘Miss Brill’ I really wanted the character Miss Brill one day to go to the park again, and to find a true companion that would make her feel wanted so that one day she could die knowing that she had someone who cared. In the story ‘Bliss’ I wanted Bertha to have freedom, I wanted her to really understand the value of who she was. I wanted Bertha Young to pick up her baby and care for it, so that the baby would grow up and one day say, “my mother raised me”.

I didn’t want her to feel the ‘tight clasp’ anymore and for her to be able to shout out her happiness and bliss she had inside.In “The Doll’s House” I wanted Kezia and the Kelveys to become best friends without the interference of Aunt Beryl’s pride, and finally in “The Garden Party” I wanted Laura to break free from her mother and for her not to be ashamed of her desire to help the working class. I wanted Laura to finally realize that “Life is…” more than garden parties. Maybe this is me being too sentimental, but there is this part of me that has hope for these characters, because really without hope what else would there be?