Question 1 Understand why effective communication is important in the work settings1.1 Identity the different reasons people communicate Candidate’s response People communicate to share thoughts and ideas, also to build and maintained relationships. We use it to express one another’s needs and feelings also to give and receive information. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in work settings Candidate’s responseThe ability to communicate well is a key skill that enables you to work effectively with others.

It’s important to remember that the communication process is as much about listening and receiving messages as it is about talking and giving messages. I use communication effectively as part of my role at work. Question 2 Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals2.1 Demonstrate how to establish the communication and language needs wishes and preference of individuals. Candidate’s responseWhen working in the care settings an important part of my role is to facilitate communication, this means enabling individuals to express themselves and understand the communication of others.

For me to be more effective in this role I must first recognize that each person is unique, meaning that there will be differences in the way each person communicates. Knowing cultural needs and differences between languages will help me to communicate with and also understand individuals.2.2 Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication Candidate’s response When communicating with others, the content needs to be clear and also needs to be said in a clear way. When receiving messages it is necessary to be alert to both verbal (spoken) and non verbal (body language) messages.

It is also important to make sure the environment is correct i.e. Background noise level. Make sure you have eye contact, and your physical distance is correct i.

e. not too far away but also not too close so that you are in there personal space, as this could be seen as threatening, your initial approach towards the individual is an important part of effective communication.2.3 Demonstrate a range of communication methods and styles to meet individual’s needs.

Candidate’s responseCommunication is a complex process made up of many different elements to do with verbal and non verbal language. These are reflected in a range of communication styles and methods. Communication is also a two way process that must take into consideration the reactions of others and respond appropriately. To be a skilled communicator, interpreter of communication you must pay attention to your use of words and also the tone in which they are said, also pay attention to your actions and movements, you should also pay attention to the response from others.

2.4 Demonstrate how to respond to an individual’s reactions when communicating Candidate’s responseThe following qualities help you respond appropriately to the communication of others: Awareness of how your communication is being received. Look for non verbal signs that indicate that the recipients have interest and an understanding. Equally look for non verbal signs that show that the recipient has no interest, has misunderstood or is bored and not paying attention.

Sensitivity to tune into your recipients emotional response to your words Flexibility to change the way you say something in order to clarify your meaning and increase understandingQuestion 3 Be able to overcome barriers to communication3.1 Explain how people from different backgrounds may use and /or interpret communication methods in different ways Candidate’s response Cultural backgrounds: refer to a variety of different influences, such as family background, peer groups, religion and ethnicity these all play part in shaping the way a person views the world and responds to it. Cultural differences are revealed by particular attitudes, values and practices all in which have a bearing on how a person communicates and how they understand communication from others. Individual personality: although individuals share personality traits in common with each other the way they use or see them is sometimes different.

One person may be quiet and reserved and another bubbly and enthusiastic, this will affect the way in which they communicate and the way they respond to communication.3.2 Identify barriers to effective communicationCandidate’s response Communication is a complex process and can be interrupted at any stage by a number of different barriers. These might be to do with forming a coherent message or relaying it to another person.

Problems may also be encountered with reliably receiving a message or making sense of its content.3.3 Demonstrate ways to overcome barriers to communicationCandidate’s response If a person is finding it hard to communicate due to language barriers then the use of translators or interpreters may be used. If a person is finding it hard to communicate due to their abilility to hear or talk then the use of sigh language and speech boards may help.3.

4 Demonstrate strategies that can be used to clarify misunderstandings Candidate’s response Misunderstandings can arise from time to time, when this happens it’s important to have a range of methods available to clarify the situation and improve communication Adapt your message: change tones or words used, re write messages or explain face to face Change environment: Quieter room, turn down TV, put phones on silent. Ask for feedback: ask individual if they can hear you, when finished ask if they have understood. Allow time: communication is normally expressed when we are busy, sometimes we need to slow down when communicating to make sure that the message is received and understood. Make an apology: sometimes it’s important to take responsibility for misunderstandings and say you’re sorry.

A sincere apology can help to restore confidence and allow for the relationship to continue to build on a firmer foundation3.5 Explain how to access extra support or services to enable individuals to communicate effectively Candidate’s responseThere are a range of supports and services available for the service users to use to help them communicate. Support is available via local authorities and there services Citizens advice bureau Local area library, health care centers and GPs It is important that the individuals and there family are made aware of these services and that they are able to access them if required.Question 4 Be able to apply principles and practices relating to confidentiality4.1 Explain the meaning of the term confidentialityCandidate’s response Confidentiality refers the need for personal and private information to be handled in the appropriate way these include safely, professionally and within legal requirements.4.

2 Demonstrate ways to maintain confidentiality in day to day communication. Candidate’s responseI receive a lot of personal information throughout the day through conversations, hand over’s from other careers and nurses, reports, letters and some of this information will be confidential which I need to know. This information must not be passed on to anyone who is not part of the care and support of the individual. When discussing the information make sure this is done in a private area i.e.

in a room with a shut door to prevent others from over hearing. Any written reports or letters are kept locked away and not left lying around where others can pick them up and read.4.3 Describe the potential tension between maintaining an individual’s confidentiality and disclosing concerns Candidate’s responseThere are some situations when confidentiality needs to be breached to report information to higher authority. Speaking to a senior person in charge who is able to act with the situation appropriately. It is my responsibility to check the policy and procedure about disclosure of confidential information, in order to be clear about how to act and who to contact should the need arise.

You should never promise confidentiality to an individual, but reassure them that information would only be shared if necessary and that they would be inform if and when this needed to be done