The environmental movement will mark Earth Day on Monday with events locally and elsewhere highlighting responses to climate change and other challenges facing the planet. A.

In the District, Union Station will be a hub for observance of the 43rd anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970. The Earth Day Network, a coordinating organization, said the station will host a farmers market, raffles, giveaways, an exhibit from NASA and a recycling drive.There will speeches at noon and live music at noon and 4:30 p. m.

from the U. S. Army Field Band. B. There have been numerous local Earth Day events throughout the month, including a cleanup of the Anacostia River watershed Saturday.

Bryan Buchanan, a spokesman for the Earth Day Network, said this year’s theme is “the face of climate change. ” The network, he said, is posting online photos and stories from people around the world who are documenting the issue and their responses.Bryan Buchanan, a spokesman for the Earth Day Network, said this year’s theme is “the face of climate change. ” The network, he said, is posting online photos and stories from people around the world who are documenting the issue and their responses. Climate change, he said, “has real consequences for real people, as well as places that we love and animals.

We want to bring this massive problem down to size. It makes everyone who’s doing their little part feel connected to the bigger environmental movement. ”