Dorothy Crawfoot was born on 12th may in Cairo. She became interested in chemistry when she was about ten.

She attended Oxford and Somerville from 1928-1932. she analyzed glass tessellate from Jerash. She decided to do research on X-ray Crystallography.She did a lot of research on crystals and x-rays. Later in her life she became a teacher in chemistry for the women’s college.

She became the university reader for x-ray crystallography in 1956. she also worked in the department of mineralogy and crystallography. She continued her research on interesting biological molecules. One of those molecules was insulin. Her research on penicillin began during WWII. She took part in meetings which led tp the foundation of international union of crystallography.

She was a great and aspiring woman who played a big role in the field of X-ray crystallography.Maria Goeppert Mayer Maria Mayer was born in Kattowitz on June 28, 1906. In 1924 she enrolled at the University of Gottingen. She intended to become a mathematician but found herself more attracted to physics. She taught one year at Sarah Lawrence College but she worked mainly at S.

A.M. laboratory. She worked on the separation of isotopes of Uranium.In 1946 she went to Chicago.

She became a professor in physics department and in the institution of nuclear studies. She didn’t know anything about nuclear studies but she learned quickly. In 1960 she decided to come to La Jolla where she is a professor right now. Barbara McClintockBarbara McClintock started her carrier at Cornell. Connection between heredity and events that could be seen in cells under microscopes were just being observed when she launched her career. She worked in the field of cytogenetical analysis.

It provided a visual connection between inheritable traits and their physical bases in their chromosomes.Most of her coworkers were jealous of her because she was so intelligent. She was placed among the leaders in genetics because of her work with corn genetics. She was elected to national academy of sciences in 1944.

Barbara McClintock was awarded a noble prize in genetics in 1983. Her work is still appreciated by the new scientists because it is still relevant even if it was still done over half a century ago.Rita Levi-Montalcini Rita Montalcini was born in Turin Italy. She entered the University of Turin to study Medicine. She graduated in 1936 and then completed a degree in neurology.

She couldn’t practice medicine because of fascist laws so she set up a lab in her bedroom and continued her research on neurogenesis. During war she worked as a medical doctor in an Italian refugee camp.After war she resumed her position as an assistant at university of Turin of anatomy. She worked a lot on Neurogenesis in her life. She retired as a professor of biology in 1977. She received many honors and awards including the Noble prize.

She was the first woman to receive the Max Weinstein award.