Many parents and schools agree that spanking is one form of discipline that is sometimes necessary when a child misbehaves.

He or she also believes the older the child becomes the less he or she needs a spanking, and other forms of discipline take its place. When a child reaches around the age of five or six many parents and schools change the discipline to, placing the child in time out, taking objects away from the child, or restrict the child's activities. However, the right to spank a child is illegal in many states; therefore it is not an option.Others will argue that a child should never receive a spanking; some individuals believe it is a form of abuse that may lead to violent tendencies. These parents and school officials believe in enforcing different forms of punishment to help the child understand right from wrong. Whereas some say spanking a child is a form of abuse, it is not abuse but a form of discipline and should be allowed by parents and schools.

Children of all ages need consistent discipline of some sort.Many parents believe that spanking a child is not considered a form of abuse as long as it is not done out of anger and is done on the bottom with his or her hand. He or she also believes that parents should talk to the child before and after a spanking, to allow the child to understand why the correction is necessary, and the only time a child should receive a spanking, is if the child has done something to justify it. This helps the child understand what he or she has done to warrant a spanking. For example; if a child runs out in the street, throws rocks at another person, or played with fire that would warrant a spanking.If a student cursed or yelled at a teacher, hit another person, or stole from a fellow student or faculty member, he or she should receive a spanking.

It also shows the child that the parent or school cares while teaching the child certain behaviors are not tolerated. Fritz, (2008) stated; "When there is no evidence that infrequent, non-abusive spanking by caring parents damages children, I’m in favor of keeping governmental rules away from child rearing, and protecting parental autonomy, cultural traditions and family privacy. All children flourish with discipline especially with guidance and consistency. Parents, who spank his or her child, find that the need to spank much less as the child grows older. When a child is young, it is sometimes necessary to spank him or her however; after a child reaches around the age of five the effect of spanking becomes less, and other means of discipline become more effective.

At this time one can place the child in a corner or designated place for a time out, have the child write an essay, appropriate for the individual age, about the misbehavior, or restrict the child to his or her room.Parents and teachers need to teach children of all ages how to accept responsibility for the choices they make; these disciplinary actions help them understand why. However, sometimes when a child misbehaves the only way to gain his or her attention is with a hand on his or her bottom. The right to spank a child has become illegal in many states; because schools do not have this form of discipline available many children have taken over.

Children have become disrespectful, defiant, and abusive with words and physical violence. Individuals believe if the schools were allowed to spank a child for certain misbehaviors, the child's classmates would see the disciplinary action, and think twice before repeating it. Adelson (2009) reported on a principal in South Carolina, who used corporal punishment to turn his struggling school around. He stated that "Kids at the school say the paddle definitely makes them think twice about acting up. Many believe that schools would gain control of individual children if principals were allowed to spank a child as a means of discipline. On the other side many think that spanking a child is a form of abuse, and children do not learn from it.

He or she believes that spanking a child will result in violent behavior.According to one study titled "Spanking Kids Leads to More Aggressive Behavior" (2010) they found that “The odds of a child being more aggressive at age 5 if he had been spanked more than twice in the month before the study began increased by 50%. Many others believe that corporal punishment has no place in school because it encourages violence and aggression among the youth. Rosenbaum (2005), a technology teacher, made a point when he stated "Corporal punishment is violence against children and has no place in a public school.

" Many individuals believe spanking is a form of discipline as long as the person spanking the child is not angry, spanks the child on the bottom and does it with a hand.He or she also believes that it is important to communicate with the child, and let him or her know the reason for this form of discipline. Rosemond (2005), of The Washington Times wrote; "It rarely fails that when I open the floor for questions at a speaking engagement, someone will ask whether I believe in spanking. My response is always that whereas I do not believe in it in the sense of promoting it, I do feel there are times when a spanking is the optimal response to certain misbehaviors.Many schools believe the right to use corporal punishment as a disciplinary tool will help the children understand what behaviors are not tolerated. Mason (2005) an eighth grade history teacher, quoted.

"If the nation wants orderly schools and higher test scores, it must allow educators a big toolbox of discipline methods in which corporal punishment continues to be an option. " Many parents and schools believe that spanking is a form of discipline, sometimes necessary to teach a child right from wrong.