DISADVANTAGES OF FAST FOOD Negative effects Obesity Obesity is associated with every type of fast food. The main reason is the absence of fibre, high amount of high-fat calories and low quality cholesterol. This causes obesity as well as increase risks of heart diseases. Many studies suggest that frequent consumption of soft drinks and other junk food is strongly related with peoples obesity.

With obesity on the up rise, many teenagers are being either prevented or distracted from doing things helpful towards them.Not only does fast food degrade these children physically, but also mentally. These obese children may be targeted at school and be picked on because of their appearance, which may lead to low self esteem and depression. Tooth Decay Tooth decay is also caused by the extreme use of fast food in diet.

Most of the fast food chains and sweetened juices, soft drinks and other processed food companies use low quality fats, sugar and high amount of salt in the processing of food.This causes problems with teeth. Tooth decay has become very common in youths in Vuqele area and the possible reason could be the use of these types of foods. Cholesterol Meat in fast food is very dangerous for the health. Meat contains cholesterol and hence leads to the accumulation of high cholesterol in the body leading towards heart attacks.

Blood pressure Almost all of this quick and convenient fast food contains high amount of sodium which increases and aggravates the risk of high blood pressure.