“At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese”. Obesity is a problem, sometimes, a nightmare for people dealing with it. It also can lead to fatal results and serious health complications. People have a variety of choices to get rid of this problem.
Among these are the diets or the bariatric surgeries. Diet means going through a strict food plan; in which you are not supposed to eat big food proportions and you have to avoid several types of food.Whereas the bariatric surgery basically reduces the person’s stomach size in order to reduce the amount of food a person eats. Many people tend to prefer the latter one as it takes less time and gives more satisfying results.
Even though there is a big difference between diets and surgeries, they are similar from a general point of view. Both of them lead to weight loss, self-satisfaction, healthier bodies, and look acceptance. There are differences between the two methods. First of all, Time and effort wise, traditional diets require a process that takes a lot of time. It can take couple of months to several years!In addition to that, a person would need to make great effort in order to resist the temptations concerning food she/he is not allowed to eat. Meanwhile, the surgery will take at most a couple of hours under surgery and a couple of days in the hospital.
A bariatric surgery requires a diet after the surgery that doesn’t exceed a couple of week. The effort will be less tiring since a person doesn’t eat much because she/he is full. Secondly, diets can be very risky because of avoiding certain kinds of food that might be necessary for your body, so you might indeed lose weight, but more likely incur yourself to series health problems.A lot of people who uses diet fail to maintain the weight loss. On the other hand, surgeries have risks of lung infection and blood clots, but due to the ongoing development in the medical field, surgeries are more reassuring nowadays “outcomes of bariatric surgery are getting better all the time, as surgeons gain experience in performing these technically demanding procedures.
The risks are not trivial, but they are acceptably low”. Reducing the stomach size is permanent which makes it less likely to gain weight again. To sum up, diets and surgeries have different approaches and processes. Those who are looking for losing a lot of weight and desire more stable results a bariatric surgery would be more convenient in terms of knowing what to expect and reliability.
Meanwhile, diets would most probably work for people who want to lose a couple of kilos.