In this article I illustrated some issues that contributed in the failure of Denver International Airport Baggage System (DIABS), which is considered a benchmark for any project failure. Besides these, various issues has affected the overall outcome of this project including lack of risk management, poor communication, and change of strategy To start with the project decision strategy changes.Since the airport’s Project Management team realized that the change of how to build the baggage system strategy and recognize the shifting in technology was required a corresponding shift in organizational responsibilities; the delay of DIABS project has been occurred and led in failure of the DIABS.

Personally, I think that lack of strategic management process is one of the most obvious reasons for this project failure. In my view of point to avoid this problem they should review and define the project mission and set a long-term goal and objectives with work ambitiously to accomplish them.Give a full specification of the job to a professional and knowledgeable project management team to divide the project responsibilities and tasks between the project team. Arrange an unambiguous responsibility and timeline for any dedicated team, to be aware about their part of the project and be responsible about it. Furthermore, estimating a timeline with budget and cost to fulfilled the job and focus on follow each part of the timeline is another method to achieve the project and project goal.

However, in this project the project management team realized the important of strategic changes within two years before the due date of DIABS opining date, which cost them great deals of money and effort and affect the overall project outcome. The second issue in this project is the lack of risk management. One of the most essential art that e a factor in DIABS failure is disregard the expected risks such as financial risk, management risks and technical risk.