Music; Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you can hear but what you can feel. It is something your soul is able to reach out and touch. Music also has the power to bring us as humans, together.

It is one language spoken by all cultures, sexes, races, age and religions. Music also controls our emotions; it makes us happy, sad, angry, relaxed, etc.We also can express ourselves through music. It can affect our personality.. omeone who listens to classical, like Mozart or Bach, all the time is going to be smarter and more intellectual than someone who listens to rap or metal, and someone who listens to more upbeat happier music, like Ska or Swing, is more likely to be more enjoyable and friendly then someone who listens to sad depressing music, like Emo.

I asked different people what their definition of music was, I got lots of answers, from simple answers to more complex and long answers. One of the answers I agreed the most with was “Music is any rhythm that directly affects and moves the soul.That was probably the best answer I got. Another good one I saw got was “The day I die is the day I have to shut up and stop playing guitar. ” Very Powerful statement. I know a lot of people that would agree with that, including me.

If all of a sudden I could not playing music anymore, there would really be not much to live for, because music and guitar is my life, it is something I have been doing every since I can remember. Music isn’t only something we create; it is also all around us in nature. Birds singing, water dripping, or leaves swaying in the breeze.Some people I have talked to would even describe silence as music.

“The length of silence, the distance between periods of silence, and the magnitude of silence all make an effect on the listener. ” A few beats of silence can raise a listener’s expectation of what is about to come. Silence also adds color to phrases by removing the clutter. Music, like spoken language, can become muddy when too many people spout off idea on top of idea. This can be overwhelming to the listener.

Knowing when and how much to utilize silence is part of listening, one of the key skills of any musician. Just because you can’t hear it doesn’t mean it’s not music” Music is respect.Respect to ones self and to others, whether it is someone that has the same taste in music as you, or someone that has the complete opposite taste as you. That’s something I see happen way to much, people bashing on other people because of what they listen to. Instead of accepting that everyone isn’t going to like what you like. Music is supposed to be something we all have in common, it’s supposed to bring us together and create peace, not turn us against each other.

It’s something that we all do, including me at times. Not only in music but in everyday life. Music originates from all over the world since the beginning of time. Complex or simple, fast or slow, loud or soft.

It’s what you feel. It could be your method of escape or keeping you living. Music is love. Music is passion. Music is unity. Music is emotion.

Music is belief. Music is beauty. Music is life. Music is perfection. Music is imperfection. Music is peace.

“Through music we can live forever. ”