Ending of the Da-Vinci CodeAssessing my overall reactions of Dan Brown’s book, it can be seen that its dynamics provides a mixture of historical and religious fiction. Specifically, the ending provided continues to bring about questions about the Priory of Scion and how the Catholic Church sought to silence such realities and secrets. In a way, I felt satisfied with the ending because Brown explained the key themes of the story while at the same time allowing readers to question the specific realities of the story.Though this can be seen, I will argue that I won’t read anymore a sequel because the idea and storyline was supposed to end in such manner.

In essence, the book remains to be a good read for entertainment but does not necessarily mean one would try to read it over and over again or ask for a sequel. Opening Discussion of Twilight Analyzing and differentiating the idea of Twilight in terms of entertainment, I do believe that the book provides a good ability to open up one’s imagination.As twisted or unconventional the love story may be, it still gives readers the ability to experience satisfaction in the manner the author describes the characters and offers scenes that depicts the overall theme of the book. However, in terms of the movie, it can be argued that it seldom meets the expectations of the book. It now only becomes a key summary of important events that happened and thus provides limited avenues for entertainment.

It would be a good suggestion then to first watch the movie and then read the book to fully maximize the entertainment one deems.Edward Assessing the characterization of Edward, his initial response towards Bella may have been offensive and rude for some readers/viewers. However, I will have to argue that this is one way that the author helps entice readers to read more. It intrigues people to find out how Edward Cullen’s character still demonstrates human behavior despite being a vampire. His actions towards Bella demonstrate affection and ability to think like a teenager despite his age.It provides a specific perspective related to showing how distinct his character is but still finding connections with every reader.

If he was a normal kid, he would often be characterized as either a snob or just a male filled with hormones. What’s fascinating about vampires? Assessing man’s continued fascination with vampires, it can be seen that culture, media, and society remains to be an essential influence shaping these reactions. Specifically, the ability of vampires to possess power and ability to go above normal explains why people want to be like them.The portrayal made by different books and movies showcases their relatively mysterious personality that has instilled both fear and go above normal explains why people want to be like them. The portrayal made by different books and movies showcases their relatively mysterious personality that has instilled both fear and objects of desire to people.

In a way, the depiction of these characters then demonstrate how humans struggle to achieve perfection and going beyond their physical limitations and boundaries.Overall, our fascination with vampires’ remains to be motivated by man’s continued preference of myth and willingness to accept the alterations towards realities. Vampires vs. Zombies Assessing the development of the zombie characterization, it can be seen that culture has facilitated the creation of myths and ideas concerning life after death. In a twisted way, man has constructed this in various forms from the spread of a virus, contamination, to even demonic interpretations.

These elements in turn resonate how people view about life.They continue to seek to address and surpass the challenge of death as it tries to unveil the conditions surrounding survival. The depiction of and fascination then for zombies emanate from trying to depict man’s inability to answer death and demonstrate man’s love for violence and killing which is easily done when killing such entities. Vampire Video Reflecting on Eddie Money’s video, it can be seen that it tries to change and alter vampire conventions. Here, the woman is the vampire and the one that seduces the man with the cape.At the same time, the use of garlic can be seen as ineffective against these creatures since the woman was the one who removed it from the bedpost.

In a way, Eddie Money tries to reverse the role of the vampire and tries to remove the masculine associations with the creature. Seeing this, the underlying message of the music video revolves around the ability of removing conventions on how vampires look like and becomes an issue of gender equality, where woman also portray such roles.Who Reads Twilight?Assessing the books ‘readability’, the ability of the author of Twilight to reinforce universal themes of love and depict today’s current fad transcends over age groups. The reason may be varied from media hype, pure interests, or just the satisfaction of adhering to mythological connections the book provides. Seeing these reasons, it is the multi-faceted dynamics involved in the book that makes it worth reading from tweens to adults. It is just a matter of how people perceive the book and the impact it creates among readers.

Is Twilight Sexy?Analyzing the value of ‘sexiness’ in twilight, the author makes a good depiction of how clashes in masculinity and femininity provided the ability to focus on sexual potential of each character. Specifically, the attempt by the author to demonstrate how teens respond and react to their environment and situations then allows readers and viewers to imagine and relate according to the feelings of Bella, Edward and the other characters. Such dynamic increased then the likelihood of depicting something sexy as teenagers clash in both areas of sexuality and gender.This then provided the popularity of the book as it tapped into the fascination and reality of how teenagers clash regardless if there were no sex scenes present in the film. The underlying tone plus the theme somewhat demonstrates such facet within the book and movie. Genre Fiction Reacting to the quotation of Wikipedia concerning genre fiction, I will have to disagree with the point made by the contributor.

The reason behind this is that the idea of deriving the definition of genre and literary may prove to be conflicting.The two ideas do not overlap one another. Rather, they serve to complement each other. Their relationship corresponds to providing appropriate classification to specific works that complement the visual and written works of art. It may be true that the themes provided by literary fiction overlaps with popular genres however classifying it under genre fiction would prove to be a subject of man’s interpretation of the piece.

In a way, these depictions only help readers categorize and characterize how one differs from the other.