Crime is an true documentary film, story that is totally incredible! While watching this film, It gave me a new perspective on life and our Justice system. This documentary it is an must watch, I recommend it to see because there is a lot of missing out on some really important information that we should all be aware of in ours life. This film is simply unbelievable, I wonder how can an D.
Ass office name "Steve Cooley' get away with this domestic violence on an female African American victim named "Deborah Pager".This truth film is about Pager that was convicted of killing her abusive boyfriend named "Wilson Oliver". First of all, Pager was 15 years old when she met Oliver since that day they were more than friends but started an new relationship together. In today society relationship is kind of hard to succeed in today life, because, when knowing someone at the first time is kind different. At the beginning of a relationship I can said that everything is different in an way of respect and well understanding each other's.
However, Pager relationship was one of those whose struggle to release from domestic violence.As Wilson the man who bused his wife, forced her into prostitution, and also molested her daughters. He was very violent with Debbie event though she lived with him and had his child. So, he beat her and hit her with the bull whip, and also threatened Debbie life on several occasions.
Therefore, Debbie mother Nadia Costa suggested to her daughter that she let Ramona Siebel and "Little Timmy' who were Crisps an gang member to make Oliver to leave her daughter alone. Moreover, the plane didn't work and Oliver ended dead, causing misunderstanding on Debbie life history.At the time pager was accuse of the dead of her boyfriend and serving a 25 years to life sentence for the 1982 murder of her abusive boyfriend. In today environment there are an amount of domestic violence similar to Pager case.
My analyzed of my understanding of having a family is to provide a physically and emotionally safe place for all its members and unfortunately, not all families do so. Similar to this film I saw, each year's thousands of spouses, children's, and intimate partners are abused. An big phenomenon is that public or neighborhood society are aware of the domestic violence that occur daily in our world.Indeed, it is one of the most difficulty crimes to control because, it is so much of that daily cases that occur outside of the public eye.
My opinion on this is that people and the victim are fear of not wanting the abuser to get in trouble or not defining the behavior as abusive domestic violence. Some people feel that nothing can be done to solve their problems. Thus, In today lifestyle there is over 120 thousands of women behind bars in the united states, and over 80% are survivors of domestic violence, rape and other form of abuse according to the film crime after crime.In other words, some people are locked up in Jail and some of these people had gone through difficult relationship, and commit some errors, trying to protect themselves from their abuser.
Even though, this people was facing domestic violence with their partner. This issue was the same problems Pager had with her boyfriend. I imagine all the circumstances she have to face every single day trying many different method to solve her problems, even though the policy didn't do nothing to protect her. I wonder where was the Justice to make things right when something similar to this case appended.From my knowledge of studies I had read in my past criminal justice class that a women should have received 6 years in prison for the resolve of murdering of her brutally abusive boyfriend. So, I consider this too racist on black people or African American.
There are good reason to think the local Police Department would not provide much protection to help and control her abusive boyfriend. This case and this documentary film was very amazing, inspiring and tragic story. After all she had gone through, Debbie was an amazing person and her story is told so well around the world.This film I truly highly recommend it to watch, analyze how the Justice system really works sometime on people like Debbie. Being locked up for 26 years to life with no hope of release.
By now mayor people know that struggle of not having any kind of help. While I was watching the film I said to myself that it will change the laws in our country for an better protection, and support for humans who are suffering in our daily lives in an abuse relationships. This woman was wrongly incarcerated and then repeatedly denied her freedom even though she had served three times the sentence she was supposed to serve.During those years in Jail Debbie was diagnosis with lung cancer at her age 49 years old.
She was told that she will only live for 8 month, even though she was having health problems Deborah attorneys file a request for an compassionate release. However, it was denied by the California Department of Corrections. Indeed, at the end members of Debbie families and witness gather together to demand her release. Therefore, the next day Schwarzenegger declined to review the parole board's finding, and which allowed their decision to change. For last, once for all Pagers was released on August 22.