Computer Is harmful to children Following the 21 stb century technological advancement computer became one of the most used devices for adult persons.

And today every family in America virtually owns a computer set. So the question is, is the computer beneficial to the young children who are widely using the computers as part of their school Items. The answer would be negative, computer Is one the most dangerous Items that children could play with. Its adverse effects outweigh the benefits it has for the children in all cases.And the fact that computer is extremely harmful for children, it is always better to keep out of reach of children, so they are not exposed to the long negative effects of computer.

The children who spend great chunk of their time every day on computer are far more susceptible to the emotional problems and challenges in communication and role playing with the ordinary people and their school or neighborhood peers unlike kids who play with their friends.When children have developed that tendency of playing games and other morally harmful things Iike pornography there would develop an ddiction syndrome, and that alone could hamper their academic performance. On the other hand when children addicted to games they forget their homework and other activities and that makes out of touch with his studies and that makes some children to feel they know better compared with his colleagues and that results confrontations In the school and even bullying other children who are either younger or less physical.Moreover, children who take long time on the computer monitor develop some other health related complications; a good example is eye strains and fatigue and that could further Incite headaches and fever and would ventually lead to high blood pressure.

Additionally, children would experience physical complications like neck pain and back pain, and since the child is still immature there could be deformation of bones and body structure.Some child children sometimes develop some syndromes from long computer usage, a good example Is since the child didn't pay attention to playing his peers, and he could develop paranoia to other people and even his peers. Since he low contact with peers he could become introvert person who little communication skills and poor public peaking skills and that makes him less successful when he grows to his maturity.And that Is a note to take when allowing children to use the computer as a toy rather than an important device with high risk for children and even adults.

Despite the fact that computer is an essential for 21st century learning system and plays critical role in making easy for learners, but however, allowing children to play with computers Iike toys Is the most hazardous step for a parent to take. In these days you would find family who assigned computers for their children and arguing their hildren are learning better with computers.The fact is that, the children are wasting 1 learning what was prescribed by the teacher and that could derail the children from their level of education. Learning is when the child follows the instructions of the teacher and the set syllabus, so the question is could we claim the child is learning when is watching world war 1 while is grade 6, the answer is the child is not learning some knowledge of his grade.

Due the harmfulness of computer it is more healthy for children to keep away from it and see it as a harmful device which need a great caution.