In Gentlemen Your Verdict (GYV) and Always A Motive (AAM) the main character takes on te role of a hero. Joe from (AAM) returns the little miller boy to his family and Commander Oram (GYV) saves 5 family men from an underwater submarine disaster. GYV and AAM are similar in many ways.

The main characters perform amazing hero like feats. The characters do what they think is best in there own unique situation. Although in GYV 5 people are rescued compared to one boy (Miller Boy) being rescued from a recent kidnapping.The five men returned to there families as well as the Miller Boy.

Joe and Commander Oram both show traits of courage, bravery and selflessness. It is in human nature to put yourself first and survive but in both stories the characters show a sense of compassion towards others. Joe wanting to see the face of the dad when he returned the Miller boy “I wanted to see the face of the father who had lost kid then got it back” is like Commander Oram wanting the 5 men with families to see there loved ones again.These stories are very comparable but also have relevant differences.

In GYV the hero dies and in AAM he lives on. Also the environments of the story are completely different. AAM consists of Joe's lonely life of where he lost his child and drives around in the city. GYV is all on a submarine that has a disastrous encounter with a mine. All in all GYV and AAM have very similar plots that consist of one man sacrificing himself for the better cause.