Part 1 Looking at the tables of information on the resident population of Wales compared to Blaenau Gwent, it is evident that not exist similarities between that, for the resident population of Wales is de 2.

835. 073 to 72. 254 resident population of Blaenau Gwent. In relation to this one found similarities between the active and inactive economic activities where part-time, full-time and retired have the same ratio as seen in Table 2 of the booklet, another similarity between these different cities are Social Work & Health where the comparison in numbers of people aged 16 to 74 as % of total appear nearly equal in Table 3 of the booklet.

On the evidences in this Table the economic classes and the qualifications of people in Blaenau Gwent are relative to Wales it is, the people in Blaenau Gwent on the whole are less qualified and are below the Wales level, the higher proportion of working age population have no qualification, so the higher proportion of population of working age are in Blaenau Gwent in more permanently disable and sick than Wales.Hence the similarities and differences about our identities in Blaenau Gwent was seen that, already be a small town has suffered an even greater loss of its population, and in 2001, over two–thirds of working age people are economically active in Blaenau Gwent, less than two-thirds of working age people in Blaenau Gwent are in employment 65% per cent, which equates to approximately 27,100 people, the other 40% per cent of population either working or unemployed and looking for work.Learner achievement in Blaenau Gwent has the lowest average for young people gaining two or more qualification between A levels and CGSE, even the numbers of students away from home are significantly lower than Wales. Between the similarities and differences about the identities Blaenau Gwent was already seen that by being a small town has also suffered great losses and population changes, developments in the industry because it was a city of industrial capitalism and now in the process of change becomes a city with more tentatively environmental and countryside which is the opposite of what density Wales with her in the rocess of urbanization and alienation people.The Identity of Blaenau Gwent  Part 2 In this part of the work being identified some identities found in the city of Blaenau Gwent and people connect to it and also be under discussion in some areas that have already been studied in the lives connect strand about identities.

Blaenau Gwent located in a region south of Wales and is surrounded by valleys and mounts. Is economically known by large industries that went there, is characterized by a predominance of narrative identity Welsh.Thus this interpretation of the text proposes a reflection on the devices involved in the construction of narrative historiography as well trying to see how regional conflicts, practices, negotiations and experiences of this group who are articulated around discursive networks and social practices that work directly the subjective process and representation of the company in relation to history, memory and identity in this region.Blaenau Gwent in the past was an industrial town where the iron, coal and steel works come to the area and thousands of people come to live and work there. Today the iron, coal and steel work have gone and there are over 18.

500 people living in the town . From the year 1992 the Garden Festival Wales that was where the Old Steel works used to be; now there are many new business parks in area.Catches most people no longer want to bring back the big industries as the past, now they want to explore the natural beauty of the place turning the site into an environment of beautiful countryside and the opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of natural and environment improve people’s physical and mental wellbeing. Dreen Massy said (Making Social Lives CD2), that tradition is something we build and constantly changing and that the places and cultures are things we do and continue to make them through time, as always a meeting point for such changes.

Although Blaenau Gwent be a place of great tradition, already hear many changes over the years and today they work with an eye on future, where people try to keep their ethnic tradition, that is where they are who they are, including Geographical location, educational background and family heritage influence our live, it all fits into place identity, where we as human beings, we all have the desire to feel as if we belong to a social and cultural community.We long for feeling of attachment, of rooted in the particular place, and if the feeling of ownership of something we have significant in our lives. Along with the place identity is also found unmarked, normal and relational identity and these identities are constituted according to the meaning attributed to it through language that the present as seen in the text. One of the negative values found in the text are the farms that has divided opinions of management changes in agriculture with the environment, and thus may affect the native woodlands and species found in them.

By the other side Blaenau Gwent and all Valley have passed environmental rehabilitation, they have learned that the incorporation of all the species and inhabitants are dependent on each of we, and that as form of positive identity and identity work, we see that Blaenau Gwent has been developing projects on environmental tourism in this area previously occupied by industries and also comes offering journeys in the natural resource of air, water and earth enriching our lives in many ways that often we take for granted. Wild flowers in hedgerows, woodland walks.Bird song in our gardens give us pleasure, an attractive rich in wildlife countryside draws visitors, whilst green areas and wildlife sites in urban areas improve the quality of life and investments. So attracts inward we can see linked with the citizens in the past, present and future at the same time in makes Blaenau Gwent individually unique. The text studied leads us to a position we intend to convince us, with good argument in forming opinions and truths about Blaenau Gwent attracting visitors to the new potential of the city that is ecological tourism.

So what makes me wonder what I am, are things that we attract into our lives with the feelings and thoughts that we host in our mind . They directs us our steps and guide our decisions. Therefore, a person can change his fate by changing your thoughts. I belief that we attract into our lives who meet our internal beliefs, those beliefs are generated by lived experiences, family traditions, culture and experiences that still pass through our choices of direction in the our future is so also with our daily lives with friends and co-works.Finally what was studied on Blaenau Gwent identity can be seen that the city f Blaenau Gwent has a positive identity and that she is proud of its heritage and industrial past and today this region of Blaenau Gwent has many stories to tell and they are enjoining their past to show their stories creating a wide variety of parks and open spaces ranging from play areas and multi-use games area to the park and scenic lakes country and moorland, to the population and future visitors. So also with its economy that is transformed from industrial capitalism to large agricultural farms leading to city of Blaenau Gwent investors.