Communication is the key to relating in all environments. When communication lines are broken, it makes take in jobs and personal relationship suffer.

In medical environment communication is key in running hospital, nursing home and community care providers. With technology our communication has advanced because now we have electronic medical records. Electronic medical records are a way of providing the medical staff and insurance on the patient health information and insurance coverage.As stated by About. om, “This also provide the doctors away to for individual patients, access to good care becomes easier and safer when records can easily be shared. Important information -- such as blood type, prescribed drugs, medical conditions and other aspects of our medical history -- can be accounted for much more quickly.

”(Torry, 2012) Doctor’s handwriting often to leads to medical variances and cause the hospital to have laws suits. Using EMR will be a short cut to the future of all hospital and medical facilities. Medical facilities will no longer need to have the space for the medical chart records to be store in rooms.Electronic Medical Records will provide simplicity, accuracy and sometimes safety. By 2013 all provider must have electronic medical records, this will provide simplicity in the facility.

EMR will make easier for the receptionist or the medical assistant to find patient charts. The doctor can now log on to the EMR and go through the patient history. The will save time for the patient so they do not have wait for their medical records or the medical records can be send electronically to the next physician instead of carry your files over.They can pull them up online. The EMR are best for accuracy because as years has passed doctors handwriting was not the best. Often the patients and the medical staff could not read their handwriting.

“EHRs get your information accurately into the hands of people who need it. Even if you have relatively simple health care needs, coordinating information among care providers can be a daunting task, and one that can lead to medical mistakes if done incorrectly. ”(Healthit. ov, 2013) This often leads to miscommunication with doctor and the patients. Providing EMR, this will provide accuracy for the patients.

They may have better check points when the goes into the hospital and they are having surgery the files are provided with plus medical history. The government believe this will be a better method of safety. As stated by AmedsNews. com: “Patients believe physicians' use of electronic medical records can help improve the quality of care they receive.And if a physician offers patient access to the EMR, they feel confident the doctor will protect the privacy of their health information. ”(Dolan, 2012) Sometimes medical staff forgets to put away the items in central record and someone may intercept with the patients charts, but on the hand the privacy can be compromised.

Malicious people are being to hack into computer systems and stealing patient information. Computer technology may not be the greatest thing for world always. In conclusion the EMR are an effective way of communicating with doctors and insurance company.Patients are will benefit from accuracy and simplicity. Now the patients do not have to go to the pharmacy and wait there for their prescription.

This give the patient a better choice and times to pick up prescriptions. Socially media like Facebook offer advertisement in different prescription drugs this make it easier for physician to them offer other alternatives. The benefits of the EMR will help in many way communicating between physicians, emergency rooms and it save time for the patients.