Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease.

People with COPD have difficulties breathing, primarily due to the narrowing of their airways, this is called airflow obstruction.COPD is one of the most common respiratory diseases in the UK. It usually affects people over the age of 35, It is thought there are over 3 million people living with the disease in the UK, of which only about 900,000 have been diagnosed. This is because many people who develop symptoms of COPD do not get medical help because they often dismiss their symptoms as a ‘smoker’s cough’. COPD affects more men than women, although rates in women are increasing.If you smoke, the best way to prevent COPD from getting quickly worse is to stop smoking and avoid further damage to your lungs.

There is support available to help you quit. There are also medicines that can help relieve the symptoms of COPD. The type of medicine you take will depend on how severe your COPD is and what symptoms you have. Surgery is a option but only to some people who suffer from COP If you smoke, the best way to prevent COPD from getting quickly worse is to stop smoking and avoid further damage to your lungs.

There is support available to help you quit. There are also medicines that can help relieve the symptoms of COPD. The type of medicine you take will depend on how severe your COPD is and what symptoms you have. Surgery is a option but only to some people who suffer from COP If you smoke, the best way to prevent COPD from getting quickly worse is to stop smoking and avoid further damage to your lungs. There is support available to help you quit. There are also medicines that can help relieve the symptoms of COPD.

The type of medicine you take will depend on how severe your COPD is and what symptoms you have. Surgery is a option but only to some people who suffer from COP