From my stand point as a Christian, marriage was ordained by God when at creation, He ordered that male and female whom He created, be fruitful, multiply, and to replenish the earth.

The average Christian believer, male or female aspires to get married sometime in his or her life time, I only to fulfill this divine injunction. Apart from Christian religion, other religions accept marriage as one of life’s pivotal fulfillment. From whatever background one comes from, marriage is a commitment that has responsibilities. The three lessons I have learned and would be pleased to share in the paper are commitment, responsibility, and love.I have been married for seven years now.

My husband and I come from a different cultural background, and as a result of which basic challenges are expected in the relationship. The first of such lessons is that marriage is a commitment to which everything ought to be given in order to sustain and make it a success. What this means is that one should consider the interest of the marriage beyond one’s selfish interest in decision making, disposition, and fancy. It entails loyalty and devotion to one’s husband and children, and involves compromising what makes it convenient.This requires flexibility and enormous sacrifices. It might not always work well if one partner is obsessive and compulsive personality.

Secondly, I have learned that in a marriage comes with certain responsibilities are unavoidable if it must be sustained and nurtured for success. A wife ought to know her responsibilities towards her husband and children. These are important in order to ensure joy, peace, order, and happiness in her matrimonial home. It is good for a wife to know what gives her husband the most joy and work to achieve and ensure it at all times.If it is through his stomach, by cooking a good food that she can get to his heart then she should do it.

If it is something else, it is the responsibility of the woman to seek it out and pursue it accordingly. Also, the bed rock of a marriage is love that is anchored on mutual trust and confident. A wife should nourish and cherish her husband and children. In any disagreement I have learned to say, honey I love you and truly sorry for what happen without any hidden agenda. This is the hardest thing I have ever learned to do in my entire life, but it is amazing when I actually do it now.

Love is the prize of marriage. Without love, it is impossible to build a good home. Love gives power, a sound mind, and brings perfection in a relationship. The absent of love leads to failed marriages.

Finally, I am happy for the success that I have put into my seven years of marriage. I am looking forward to the next fifty years just like my parents. The experience has been funfilled and worthwhile, and challenging. Marriage always have it’s up and down, but I am lucky to have a husband that loves me as I do love him.

I think I will marry the same man again if there is life after death.