All parents, regardless of race or income, deserve the opportunity to choose the best education possible for their children.

Britain is not yet a land of equal educational opportunity. Wealthier parents can choose an alternative school for their children when public schools aren't getting the job done. But low-income parents often have no choice but to keep their children trapped in underachieving, even dangerous public schools.The simple act of giving parents the power to do what they think is best for their children can be a powerful tool in enhancing educational opportunities for disadvantaged students.

The role of parents in their children's education is an issue of critical importance. Many of the changes currently underway in British schools have been justified on the grounds that they provide "what parents want''Parents who are able to make active choices in the education of their children report greater satisfaction with their children's academic achievement, and studies have shown a positive correlation between parental involvement and student performance.Personally, my answer to this question would be that parental control over their Childs education does make quality of education better.A child keeps learning at every age until they them selves are seen as matured adults therefore when their at seventeen years or younger we see them as learning children whereas a parent has already gone through those steps and has learnt values in society. A father or mother is known to know what is best for their child. Whereas a child at an early age does not know what's a good school and what's not.

Parents have the right, and responsibility, to decide where and how their children will best be educated.The common good of society is advanced by helping parents to exercise fully their right to direct the upbringing of their children through the educational program of their choice.Today we live in diverse society where some people think there are more things to learn apart from some core subjects in school, like religion.School choice has always existed for parents who could afford to send their children to a private school, or to move into the neighbourhood that had the best school. In the past there have been few options for parents.Parents who do not or cannot help their children learn risk seeing them lose out on nearly one-quarter of their potential attainment.

Research (by A Literature Review, conducted by Professor Charles Desforges) shows that a quarter of the attainment of top-scoring children at the age of 16 is explained by the interest their parents took in their education.Research has showed Parental involvement in children's education is of critical importance. It is eight times more important than standard measures of social class, such as the parents' type of occupation, statistical analyses show. A quarter of the attainment of top-scoring children at the age of 16 is explained by the interest their parents took in their education.Education does not only mean education at school, education is a step of learning and a person can learn any time and anywhere, Parents can help their child at home by reading with them, library visits, playing with letters, numbers and shapes, Painting and drawing, learning, through play, the letters of the alphabet, learning nursery rhymes and singing.

All this helps for a better education, a parent is helping the child so that it can go along and also help others.Today, we see a lot of parental control. Each term in many schools across the country parents take part in going to see teachers at 'parents evenings' and also by corresponding to what the child has done by text books and diaries which are set for interaction not only by teacher-pupil but also by teacher-parent.The Government's strategy for securing parental involvement was first set out in the 1997 White Paper "Excellence in Schools".

The strategy described there included three elements: