Let’s take a look at reasons why: Activities support the academic mission of schools. Participation in high school activities is a valuable part of the overall high school experience. Activity programs provide opportunities for character development and unique learning labs for valuable life lesson and universal values – teamwork, sportsmanship, self-discipline and hard work. These are qualities students need if they are to become responsible adults, productive citizens and skilled professionals.

Activities foster success in later life. Participation in high school activities is often a predictor of later success – in college, a career and in becoming a healthy, contributive member of society.Research shows that students involved in co-curricular activities are more likely to have: o Higher GPAs o Lower dropout rates o Higher college admission test o Fewer discipline referrals scores o Affiliation with peers who are o Better attendance academically focused Participation promotes positive health behaviors and deters negative ones by placing a premium on personal health and fitness as prerequisites to optimal performance. Those who participate in co-curricular activities are less likely to engage in risky behaviors (i.e. teen pregnancy, drugs).

From a cost standpoint, activity programs are an exceptional bargain when matched against the overall school district’s education budget. At a cost of only one to three percent (or less in many cases) of an overall school’s budget. There is no better or more effective investment being made in America’s education programs today. Participation enhances the overall educational experience of the student.Schools Cannot Afford Not To!