People love to cook and learn new recipes and when a recipe is practical, fast, delicious and cheap, it doesn’t get any better! Learning a new dessert is wonderful. Imagine cooking for that special someone and end with a delicious dessert prepared for you! Cakes are one of the most desired desserts in the world, because they come in various shapes, flavors, and tastes. Do you want to make something really easy and fun? Baking a cake is extremely easy and very fun for who are just learning how.

Cakes are excellent for baking to someone special, a family member, friend or loved one.Well, here's the recipe for a delicious and simple cake, and this is my specialty to be eaten for breakfast or in the afternoon with a hot cup of coffee. All that will be needed is a little time, love, and a few items from the grocery store. The ingredients needed are: 4 eggs, 3 cups of sugar, 4 cups of cornmeal (cornmeal sold in a store with Brazilian products) 2 cups flour, 1 cup of oil, 6 cups of milk, 100 grams of grated coconut and 2 tablespoons of baking powder. You will need to beat all ingredients in a blender, blend for about 10 minutes to get out the smell of the egg.The baking powder will be placed last, after you've beaten all the ingredients, add the baking powder and beat more than 4 seconds.

An important detail for this cake is cup size that you will use. I learned this recipe in Brazil and that the size of our coffee is different from the American. The cup has to be one for Brazilian coffee, it is very small when compared with American cup, but if you do not have an idea of the size, place a search on Google for Brazilian cup of coffee and soon you will see an image of the tiny cup.The size of bake pan, I use that usually used to make flan, it has a hole in the center.

Grease the pan with margarine. A tip I learned from my dear grandmother, after greasing with margarine grease a second layer on top of margarine with sugar and cinnamon powder, the cake will be a delight! Before starting the baking process the oven must first be pre-heated to 350 degrees F. Do not also forget to wash your hands to remove germs. Place the blender over the sink or table with all the ingredients and the cup that will be used.All ingredients beaten, put the dough on baking pan and bake for 90 minutes at a temperature of 350 F. When you complete the 90 minutes, take a look and if the top of the cake is very dark brown, your cake will be already.

Dark brown with the impression that the cake is burning is nice, because when you unmold the cake to the bottom must be well cooked. So do not forget just turn off the oven when you see that the top of the cake is well baked with a dark brown tone. Do not forget this tip. Now the cake is ready, just allow it to cool, not cold just be warm, unmold and enjoy.