Australia is one of the biggest countries of the world: It has a total area of 7,686,850 square kilometers. There live about 22,015,576 people, a percentage 67,70 % of them is between 15 to 64 years old, the age which is important for our product Coebergh since it is an alcholic product that can only be consumed by people over 18 years. There are more men (7,469,092) than women (7,266,143) at this age which is very important to know since our liqueur is mainly consumed by women. The median age is 37, 8 years (men 37 years, women 38,8 years) which shows us that there are a lot of people at a suitable age for our product since there is a balance of old and young people (not too many of one kind).Economical EnvironmentThe GDP of Australia is $ 882,400,000,000 (USD), the main sector of it is services (72 % ) and industry (25%).

Here, the people have a high income (Furthermore, the Unemployment Rate of Australia is 5,2 % and, according to statistics, it is slowly increasing. A major problem is the youth unemployment (people between 18-24 years) which has risen for some years – now it is by 18,5 % and it is estimated that it will not decrease at the moment.Political & Social EnvironmentOn a per capita basis, there were 9,9 litres of alcohol available for consumptionAccording to statistics, the consumption of alcohol in general has decreased (1,1 % since year 2010/11). Australian people consume less beer (down with 3,4 %), less wine (0,6 % down) – but they drink more spirits (increased from 12 % to 20 %). There is a trend that the consumption of spiritis will slowly increase in the next years which is good for our product since Coebergh is a spirit.

Concerning the alcohol policy, there are some restrictions for on-/off-premise sale of alcoholic beverages. Since they are differing from state to state in Australia, I will only talk about them in general. There are certain times (hours and days) when you can buy alcohol which could be an obstacle for our product in comparison to other countries where you can always buy it anytime you want. Furthermore, there are also taxes on spirit imports to Australia which can be seen as an extra cost for introducing the product. It is also forbidden to drink in certain areas, especially public places, such as parks, streets or beaches.