ADD was first identified and studied in the early 1900's, yet it was not termed as ADD then.

 After World War I, researchers observed that children who contracted encephalitis showed an unusually high incidence of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and conduct disorders.  In the same vein, some soldiers experienced brain injuries and were seen to have some behavioral problems.It became apparent that brain damage could cause hyperactivity.  Some forms of brain insult have been seen to be causes of hyperactivity such as exposure to lead and environmental toxins, as well as exposure to drugs and alcohol when in the fetus.

(National Association of School Psychologists).There are a lot of questions as to the causes of ADD and there are some guidelines on how to determine the symptoms. First off, it is essential, as many experts in the field says, that the behavior must appear early in life.Many say that it could occur before a child reaches 7 years of age and can continue for at least 6 months.

The behavior must result in a real problem in at least two areas of the person’s life.There needs to be some checking and counter-checking in other areas of a child’s life before he or she would be labeled an ADHD. ADHD expert Russell Barkley, Ph.D. went on a speaking tour to discuss the symptoms of ADHD in adults and the serious consequences of these symptoms on the life of an adult living with this disorder.This condition is believed to affect an estimated 8.

1 percent of adults, or 9.2 million adults across the U.S. according to a retrospective survey of adults aged 18 to 44, projected to the full U.S. adult population.

He wants to raise awareness about the importance of identifying, diagnosing and treating adult ADHD. This condition in children can interfere with school work and making friends.And then, these difficulties which begin in childhood can continue into adulthood. ADHD in adults may have potentially serious consequences.

(New Information Published about adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).Treatment of ADHD patients involves not only the pharmacological (medications) area but also the psychosocial. It is important that the support groups of patients with ADHD be involved in the treatment. Attention Deficit Disorder (AD/HD) is mostly an organic problem which can be present in some families.

It is also seen as the inability to sustain focused attention, (distractibility or inattention). In order to diagnose ADHD, the health professionals tell parents and teachers to observe children and rate their behavior using specific questionnaires or checklists.