The main goal of this report is to analyse and critique the research method used in the article entitled “Cooperative strategy, knowledge intensity and export performance of small and medium sized enterprises.

” The main goal of this paper is to address the relationship of cooperative strategy, knowledge intensity and export performance of SMEs. In order to achieve the goal of this paper, the researchers have been able to use appropriate approach.This approach adheres to the conceptual framework of the study which is grounded in the resource-based view (RBV) of the company as well as its extension based. The research design chosen qualitative research, which uses descriptive methods in describing the variables wherein the data, situations, or other facts collected will be explained or correlated with other data. It is especially useful when conducting a study wherein the data are immeasurable, such as feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and others (Mays & Pope, 2000).

Qualitative data used in this study also provides detailed descriptions of the whole topic in context, which allowed the researchers in gaining better understanding of research objective (Creswell, 1994). This research study also employed qualitative research method since it will try to find and build theories which will explain the relationship of each of the variable with another variable through qualitative elements mentioned in the research. Through this approach qualitative elements which did not have standard measures has been analysed.Data from this study were gathered from the rich data base of Internationalization of Strategic Orientation of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (INTERSTRATOS) which was established to investigate the patterns of internationalization context and to describe the adjustment strategies of manufacturing Small and Medium enterprises among eight European nations which include Austria, Belgium, Finland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland.The data collection method for this research design also considers quantitative approach. The quantitative design focused on obtaining numerical findings through surveys.

Generally, quantitative researchers aim to devise “universal framework explaining social happenings (Cohen et al. , 2000: 23). Herein, since the researchers try to formulate general conclusion on the topic, they consider quantitative research, which consequently required medium/large-scale research. Experiments and surveys the common strategies of inquiry.Furthermore, data are collected by using predetermined instruments, closed questions, and result in numeric data.

The use of statistical tests is a common way to analyse the data (Creswell, 2003). The data used for this research were collated through the use of two-wave postal surveys in each of the 8 European nations. Herein, the researchers included participating firms which have been selected randomly from SME manufacturing firms with less than 500 employees. On one hand questionnaires were sent to the owner/manager of these Small and medium sized enterprises.To ensure validity and reliability of the study, the master questionnaire for the project was pre-tested utilizing h pilot studies conducted in Finland and Austria.

The questionnaire was translated into French and Austrian languages. For the present study, we used data collected from Finnish and Norwegian SMEs. In this study, the research model and hypotheses were also tested by carrying path analysis using LISREL 8 with the sample covariance matrix as input. Herein, each construct in the model were delegated by the indicator set by the researchers.The research model was first tested utilizing each nation data separately.

Qualitative method shares the theoretical suppositions of the interpretative paradigm. This is based on the notion that the creation and persistence of social reality are brought about by the people’s subjective experience. Accordingly, qualitative approach basically aims to decode, explain, analyse and interpret the meaning of a certain occurrence in an accurate manner. Fundamentally, qualitative method has three distinct characteristics. One is that it applies symbolic discourse composed of discussion, conversations and texts.

Secondly, qualitative method involves the study of interpretative principles, which people utilise to make their symbolic activities sensible. Lastly, qualitative method of research requires the knowledge of contextual principles, including the physical setting, roles of the respondents and the set of situational events which guide the interpretation of the discussion (Ting-Toomey, 1984). Hence, with this characteristic, it can be considered that the qualitative design is appropriate. On one hand, this study does not show any variables to be studied.

The author has been able to describe well the procedure on how the research and all in all it can e said that the procedure used is logical. The value of research design used in this study can best be understood by examining its features. Qualitative research used in this study can be said to be advantageous as it is more open to adjustment and refinement of research ideas as an inquiry proceeds. Also, the researchers do not attempt to influence the research setting, as in an experimental study, but rather seeks to understand naturally happening phenomena in their naturally occurring states.Inductive reasoning, as opposed to deductive reasoning, is common in qualitative research, along with content or holistic analysis in place of statistical analysis (Tucker et al, 1995).

Several researchers had stated that generally, qualitative research takes place within a natural setting. It is less likely for qualitative research to impose restriction on data collection. Furthermore, it is more focused on idiographic descriptions and emergent themes rather than on categorical frameworks and very specific hypothesis (Cassell & Symon, 1994).Miles and Huberman (1984) believe that the data of qualitative research are particularly attractive because they provide generalized result. The qualitative type of research is primarily inductive in logical reasoning (McMillan and Schumacher, 1997). It can be noted that one of the most evident strengths of the qualitative method is that is suggests a more realistic feeling of the setting of the study which cannot be acquired solely from numerical data and statistical analysis in quantitative approach.

This type of approach permits flexibility in accomplishing data gathering, data analysis, and interpretation of collated date information. According to various authors, qualitative method permits the researcher to present and show the phenomenon being analysed in a more holistic manner. Also, this method enables the social interaction with the research participants using their own language and terms. The used of qualitative approach by the researcher it enhanced descriptive capability using unstructured and primary data.The quantitative data used in this research study add “breadth” to the analysis because this provides the descriptions of the topic of the study as a result of a large-scale study on a representative sample. With this research design, it can be said that the use of qualitative and quantitative in this empirical study are predetermined since the researcher has been able to know the efficiency of the research methods to achieve the objective of the study.

All in all, it can be said that the researcher has been able to ensure that all the component part of this research design are double checked to achieve the objective of the paper. The researcher has also been able to validate the procedure to guarantee that it adheres to process of using qualitative approach. The secondary research elements were derived from the findings stated in published documents and literatures related to the research problem. These were based from the recent literatures related museums and galleries and the community project for this.It can be said that the research study has used secondary research elements to ensure that the objective are achieved. It can be said that the paper has been able to use supportive secondary research elements from collecting papers which came from the secondary sources and these papers has enable the researcher to provide pertinent recommendations and conclusion.

It can be said that in all parts of the study, specifically in the finings and discussion parts, the secondary resource elements can be considered to be pertinent enough, but there are some parts which are not pertinent with the research problem.The structure of the paper, specifically the literature review part is not logically organised, since the study did not fully used literature review part in the study. In addition, the research study has been supported by theoretical foundation as they used cultural theories and societal theories to support their research findings. The author has been able to formulate various concepts which adhere to the topic of the study of knowing the relationships of the variables. One of the most important aspects to be considered in doing research is the instrument or data collection tools.

For this research, it can be said that the author has been able to describe the instruments used to collect the data. Accordingly, this research has used quantitative and qualitative approach through the use of survey questionnaire. However, one of its major disadvantage is there is a great possibility that the respondents may not be give a chance to asks questions to the interviewer in case that some questions or statements or unclear. In this manner, the structure of the questionnaire must be carefully designed and the chosen respondents should possess good reading and writing skills.

This type of survey method is widely used in malls, restaurants, hotels, etc. (Healey & Rawlinson, 1994). In this regard, the researcher has been able to review the instrument for validity. Validity asks the question if the research does what it was supposed to. Regular reference to the objectives and sub-questions helped guarantee this. Furthermore, the validity of the comments made by practitioners had to be assessed.

As was mentioned, the type of data collection instrument used for this study is the semi-structured interview (sometimes known as interview schedules).Accordingly, an advantage of this type of questionnaire is that it is more suitable in acknowledging more complicated and more number of questions. The information gathered through survey attempted to uncover the basic evidence in relation to each research question. In this research study, it is said that the data gathered were analysed through the use of the constructs of the three variables. Herein, it can be said that the analysis has been able to presents a complex picture which contributes to the comprehension relationship of the three variables in SMEs in 8 European nations.

The researcher has been able to use an appropriate data analysis procedure through the use of appropriate statistic methods such as covariate matrix and others to interpret and analyse the data gathered from the questionnaire and researches conducted by the researchers. The data presentation and analysis are divided into various sections. First, the analysis of questionnaire data is presented to explore the practices and understandings of the sample in general and to identify the visitor’s knowledge and perception about the museums.With this, it can be noted that the researcher has been able to use effective and efficient data analysis and presentation procedure to ensure that the reader will not be confused on the conduct of the research. The analysis and data presentation can also be considered as organized to avoid confusion among the readers of the research.

The use of conceptual model of RBV made the researcher to process and analysed the data gathered by the respective participants in the study.In terms of data presentation and analysis, it can be said that this article has a concise presentation and analysis procedure. The researcher has been able to provide all the significant information in the analysis of the data gathered and through this abstract, the reader has been given specific information that helps them in fully understanding the research or study. In addition, the data analysis and presentation also provide concise information about the procedure and methodology which is through quantitative qualitative approach by using questionnaire survey.