“APNA is committed to continuous and comprehensive mental health services necessary for the promotion of optimal mental health, prevention of mental illness, intervention, health maintenance and rehabilitation.”(SAGE Journal, 2010)“…holistic nurses may integrate complementary and alternative modalities (CAM) into clinical practice to treat the whole person and view healing as a partnership between a person seeking treatment and their practitioner. (AHNA, 2010)SummaryAs it pertains to the health care system perspective these two statements advance ways of improving health care intervention generally. It affirms the organizations ‘commitment to the emergence of new concepts of health care within this institution.

How do the statements affect policy?APNA views it as a continuous process while AHNA has the paradigm of a holistic modality. In terms of policy it would mean for APNA’s perspective to become a reality polices will have to be redesigned to fit that multi dimensional concept of psychiatric care within the health Care system. Surely the present health Care system does not provide that scope of care. The same can be said of this new holistic approach to health care. :How do these statements reflect the historical development of nursing?Clearly there was a time when psychiatric medicine was not considered exclusive of the other sciences but today it is distinct in itself evolving into an independent branch of nursing.

The holistic approach to health care in the capacity of nursing is a relatively new developed even though it was theorized in Florence Nightingale’s era. It was never introduced as an specialty in nursing practice. This is a unique historical development altogether.What influence does a Christian perspective have on health care delivery?Christians believe in faith, spiritual and miraculous healing apart from physical healing initiated through modern medicine. The approach to holistic medicine and nursing are elements of Christian beliefs that humans are not just bodies to be experimented on.

As such it the perspective that Christians will forge the adoption of a health care model which will account for the social as well as spiritual identity of humans.REFERENCESAmerican Psychiatric Nurses Association (2010). SAGE. Retrieved 30th May 2010http://www.sagepub.com/journalsProdSoc.nav?prodId=Journal201684American Holistic Nurses Association.(2010) Retrieved 30th May 2010 http://www.ahna.org/AboutUs/tabid/1158/Default.aspx