Amazon. com is an active median that links merchants to buyers using the world wide web. To use Amazon.
com persons or entities must create an online profile identifying them as registered users of the site. No user can complete a purchase without a validated account from which funds can be drawn. The information shown on a profile varies a great deal and is at the user's discretion. A individual seller profile may include an individual's name and personal information such as date of birth and geographical location as well as items or products they wish to sell.To individual sellers, Amazon. com charges a fee of $0.
99 per sale in addition to a referral charge, which is a percentage of the price of the item or items being sold. There is an additional closing fee for media such as books or software ranging from $0. 80 to $1. 35. Amazon.
com offers a different profile for corporate entities called, a professional profile which is intended for users expecting product orders to number in excess of 40 a month.Users with this profile pay a monthly fee rather than an individual sale fee but referral and closing charges still apply. Tools made available through a professional profile that offer assistance with advertising, promotions, product shipping, etc. Corporate users can establish purchase agreements with one another as well as making their products available for individual sale to non-corporate entities.