It is a widely known fact that the mental health has a significant influence on the general health care of the society. So is true for substance abuse if proper care is taken in prevention than a substantial part of the health care budget that is spent on people effected by substance abuse can be spent else where.Estimates show that 25 percent of adult population in United States of America is because of substance abuse and/or mental disorders (SAMHSA, 2010).

Also there was a need to carry out research in an organized way so as to enable the outcomes of the research to be incorporated in to the general health care system to make it helpful. Considering all these and other factors congress directed the establishment of SAMHSA.About Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services AdministrationSAMHSA was set up in 1992. As discussed above Congress played a very important role in its establishment and it is an agency of the U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).It was set up to help people who can potentially have or are already a victim to mental health problems and substance use/abuse disorders by carrying out programs and collecting and directing funds for substance abuse and mental health. The agency takes care that the treatment provided is effective and recovery from substance abuse is taking place. Also where ever possible mental health of patients improve even if they do not completely recover.

They aim to ensure that any one in United States of America who can potentially be or are already a victim to mental illness and/or substance use disorders have an chance to carry out their day to day activities normally both on a professional as well as personal level.The agency is fulfilling its aim by working together with all the sections involved in the provision of health care no matter whether they belong to private or public sector including local community based and faith based organizations as well as the consumers. The agency serves all constituencies in the United States of America in collaboration with local administration in the states.Functions of SAMHSAAims of SAMHSA are discussed earlier now we will have a look at the way in which the agency goes about to achieve those objectives.

The agency conducts a number of programs throughout the year for this which are listed below:Children’s Mental Health ServicesIs an agency under SAMHSA for adolescents and children who endow grants to states and regions. It gives assistance to children and adolescents with serious emotional disorders by developing far-reaching community-based systems. Its aim is to help federal system to deter the development or deteriorating state of mental illnesses where possible.