Natural and climatic conditions, ecology, political and economic conditions in the country, social and psychological conditions, labour force and unions, customers and suppliers, technologies and competition – all these factors directly impact performance of national and international organizations and companies.Nevertheless, age diversity plays rather important role because it guides company, encourages its performance, and provide necessary balance. For example, cultural diversity in organization will assist in promoting creating smoothly working project teams; responding to customers, clients, and markets; living and working in a culturally diverse world.In its turn, age diversity assists in balancing the work of employees, their interactions and duties.

Generations have different values and beliefs, and, therefore, each generation occupies particular niche depending on the work. Depending on the age, employees are classified as matures, baby boomers, generation X and the millennials.Matures were born prior to 1960s. Such people have strong beliefs that only hard work will ensure better future; they are moral and right people. They are ready to work overtime if the work must be done.

Their main work characteristics are: hard work, respect for authority and leadership, duty to country, sacrifice to common good, thriftiness, and ability to distinguish right and wrong things.Older generation isn’t as innovative ad progressive as generation X and the millennials, for example. Such employees are grown up with technologies development and, therefore, they are very resourceful and full of ideas.The millennials are more computerized and are of great values for every company. Generation X is characterized by pragmatism, skepticism, etc. They are contractually oriented and strongly value the quality of work.

The millenials are very active employees provided with menu driven mentality. It is necessary to mention that only such age diversity would encourage work balance and make working environment positive and optimistic.Works CitedWendover, Robert. Understanding Age Diversity in Today’s Workplace. Available at