Adolescence is the of the most significant changes that occurs for a child when developed from a child into a adult. This can carry them through many changes physically, emotionally, socially. During puberty boys and girl change in size, developing breast, growing pubic hair, changes in body odor, and acne. The adolescence stage usually starts occurring in between the ages of 10 and 19 in which boys and girls hypothalamus and pituitary glands begin to become active and start hormonal changes.

Children going through puberty normally will experience growth spurts in which their bodies begin to change.Some children begin seeing changes in their height, size, they begin to develop breast for girls, growing pubic hair, and changes in body odor, and acne are some of the common changes that occur physically. The Change Going through puberty is sometimes a difficult process for young girls and boys if not communicated effectively about the changes that they may encounter during this process. For young girls they may start to feel insecure about how they body is changing.

Such as developing hip or breast and how others may perceive them especially if they are developing at a young age or faster than their peers.Some of their peers may treat them differently and chastise them about how they are developing. For boys their changes are similar but they begin to experience changes in the size of their penis and may experience their first ejaculation. Children then begin to experience emotional changes in which their attitudes begin to change about life in general. In which they can become argumentative with their parents.

My private and wanting to spend less family time and more time socializing with their friends. Also they begin to find themselves and begin to learn the true meaning of success and failure.In addition to thinking about their social life and how they fit into society big picture. The Contribution Media portrayal plays a major role of how children view sexual activity. They begin to shape what is acceptable in today’s society. Such as slim models, short clothes, promiscuity.

The media main focus is to receive the most ratings. So if the taste of the show or music is not appropriate for children who are looking to the media for some guidance they can be easily confused. The mindset of a child is develop threw the values and interaction that they have had growing up.This is where the foundation should be built at home, church, and school; defining their character, substance and endurance.

Values impact the adolescence behavior threw many aspects such as the way a child carries there selves in personal matters as well in professional matter when that times arises. For example, dealing with obstacles that occur on a daily basis and knowing the appropriate response to have. In making decisions children need to learn that they will have to take into consideration their personal values as well as the ethical values of those whom they are in close contact with.The same goes with attitudes and the effect it has on individual behaviors.

Being raised by parent with a negative attitude about everything that a child attempts’ to strive for can have a negative effect on the child mental state and their individual behavior. They will begin to feel as if nothing that they do is right and can become cold to others and show that same behavior that was taught to them to others. The types of influences that they are subjected too during this crucial time can have an effect on the next generation of children. Which can affect their individual behavior both in a positive or negative manner.This is why it is important that our society fine outlets for the youth; so that they can become productive adults in society. Threw music, art, dance, and educational advances youth can have positive experiences and build character.

Thus, making a positive change within our society and across the entire world. In America adolescents are at risk to many issues such as gangs, drugs, running away (homelessness), sexuality, and school truancy. There are approximately over 1 million to 3 million homeless and, runaway children according to the runaway teen website (www. 1800runaway.

org/news).The Runaway and Homeless Youth Act also defines homeless youth as “individuals under age 18 who are unable to live in a safe environment with a relative and lack safe alternative living arrangements, as well as individuals ages 18 to 21 without shelter. ” There are about 5,000 runways that will lose their lives due to suicide, assault, and untreated illness. Children and youth who run away from home are usually victims of homelessness, physical and substance abuse, pregnancy, suicide and death from untreated illness.

Homelessness is a major factor in the lives of children who runaway.When running away from their homes most children do not have a plan of action as to where they are going to live. Often, they are not able to support their selves with their basic needs such as food and clothing. They are forced to reside on the streets of America without any assistance. Homelessness in America started being a concern of the government in the 1970’s.

During this period the government decided to help fund homelessness by providing shelters and providing food. Congress also passed the runaway youth act of 1974 title III of the juvenile justice and delinquency prevention act.This act was passed to help runaways who were not a part of the child welfare system or juvenile justice system. In 1977 congress included the homeless youth act which is known as the runaway, homeless and missing children protection act of 2003.

The purpose of this act is to help at risk youth who dealt with homelessness to include runaways, abandonment, substance abuse, physical abuse, gangs and many more issues. While living on the street the national Runaway switchboard stated an estimated 75% of runaway children will be involved with drugs, theft, and pornography.One to every three teens will turn to prostitution within 48 hours of living on the streets. These are astounding statistics and are directly related to abuse of children and youth. Substance abuse is another major obstacle that adolescent children fall victim to as an alternative form of fun with their friends if not properly educated on the long term effects. Youth have been shown to use drugs such as marijuana, crack cocaine and alcohol as a way to commit suicide and deal with stressors of an unstable life.

Along with drugs, they are at-risk for sexual transmitted diseases; and AIDS that is alarmingly increasing at greater rates each year.Another social issue is sexual activity resulting in teenage pregnancy or parents. Teenage pregnancy leads to higher poverty levels because the teenager does not have the financial means to take care of an infant. There or lower rates in the graduation from high school in teenage parents, and emotional and physical abuse toward the child due to the teenage parent frustration.

Being a teenage parent is difficult emotionally and financially and most teenagers do not know how to deal with the pressure that they would have to face in order to take care of themselves and their child.Teenagers need an outlet to express their concern about having sex without being judge. The design would be to educate adolescent youth between the ages of 10 threw 19 about the importance of abstinence and not letting peer pressure break them down into becoming sexually active. Also have professional speakers such as doctors, other teenage parents and some of the teenage parents own parents who had faced the same situation when they were a teenager speaking with them about emotions that they felt concerning a teenage relationship and being sexually active.Explaining why teenagers should not get to emotionally attach at young ages.

Communication and Education is the most important solution in helping children to cope with the changes that will occur during puberty. If they are able to discuss how they are feeling with their parents and get direct answer this will leave less room for wrong answer or assumptions that the child may receive from friends or from the media.