A good manager has a good communication skills whereas a bad manager is lack of the communication skills.

First,being a good manager,who need to be able to communicate effectively,communication can divide into two parts:verbal and written communication. A good manager should not only have a excellent speaking skills who know how to speak publicly,but also should be a active listener. Listening to the supervisor,subordinates, customers. A good manager should willing to accept the opinion from others and provide a constructive feedback Finally,it will lead the company to be successful because of adopting the others’ great ideas.They should also know how to communicate effectively in writing with a correct grammar, fluent sentences,expressing him or herself in email,memos.

(25 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Manager)However,a bad manager never listen and observe,they believe they know all the things,they assume that they have enough information to make a good decision. It is important to discover by listening to what others have to say and to be aware of things happening around us.Second,a good manager know how to provide a excellent customer service,such as know how to deal with angry customers with patience, handling complants and solve the problems,caring for customers with empathizing ,helping and so on. In contrast,a bad manager who is lack of the customers service skills,they usually face the complaint from customers and deal with the affairs with a bad attitude toward the customers.

It is vital to have a good communication skills if people who would like to be a good manager. A good manager has a good personality,however a bad manager has not.The first trait was that of charisma,strong communication and interpersonal skills are regarded as a important parts of developing charisma. Charisma is a kind of charming that appeal people want to be followed and listen to him or her.

Develop trust and credibility is important too . Trust fosters collaboration,which contributes to openly sharing information,which then creates a solid team who supports each other. ( Evans,William L,12)Strong leadership is also a trait of a good manager. They will earn the respect and admiration of the subordinates if the manager make a accurate decision.On the other hand,a bad manager has not these trait,they can not earn the loyality from subordinates. Second,to be a good manager,they always act and anticipate preemptively.

It is important to have a self-motivation,a manager can not motivate others if he or she can not self-motivate. Having a motivation is vital as it keep you going and move on to the next tasks . A good manager also motivates their employees to reward them by hardship allowance,bonus and double pay to ensure them do the best at their job. In contrast,a bad manager are refused to act before the issues happen.They handle the issues after the fact had taken place. It end up consume the time and energy.

They also unable to motivate anyone, or even lowers the motivation of everyone ,uncomfortable or awkward around people . To be a good manager,not only need to have a good communication skills,but also require the great personality. A good manager has a knowledageable and experience in their field,whereas the bad manager is deficient in the both. First,A good manager should have a knowledge in their field.

If a manager have industry knowledge,they know how to answer questions from subordinates and customers and work more effectively.Also a good manager has a great organization,such as keep track of the projects because they know when the project is due. A Good Manager has the whole project costed and resources available before even mentioning the idea. A manager must also have more than basic understanding of the work process in order to provide guidance and direction(Five quality of a good manager-The Punch)However,a bad manager who does not have a enough knowledge to manage the company. Due to the short of knowledge and experience,they are not unable to make decisions when it comes to a difficult decision-making situation.

They also lack of experience when they deal with a emergency. Second,a good manager know to identify workers who do well and delegate to give them tasks which they can succeed or have ability to empower them to use their strengths to finish the project. However, a bad manager don’t delegate, they assume that they are the only one capable of doing things right. Forcing others to do in the ways that they are not productive and not familiar with at all. A bad manager also will not give a praise to subordinates. If giving a praise to others,it is usually forced,insincere.

Being a good manager,communication skills and personality are important,but knowledge and experience are more important than both. A good manager is someone who has a excellent communication skills,good personality and Knowledgeable. In my opinion,more importantly,is care about his or her employees. If a manager care about the employees,the employees will feel they are valued and then they will work more hard and better as a team,the company will become prosperous. Good manager’s personality can also image what a good person who is. If people who want to be a good person,be a good manager!