On a morning, I walked my way to a building, well-structured and planned home for medical revival and rejuvenation of human health. I have actually come to have an X-ray of my chest region, which is needed as part the screening exercise for an admission to the university. There were a good number of people, carrying with them files that contain a brief summary of the conditions of their visitors, dressed in a white overall, like an angel.

Who delivered the files to some other set of personalities with a Y-shaped rubber-like tube with silvered head round their necks, used to confirm the existence of their wards, when placed on their heart region. Walking along the corridor, I could not withdraw my appreciation for the smiles emanating from the faces of the doctors, and nurses as they attend to their wards, which was enough to cure ailments of any kind. The lightening of the building is as the firmament of heaven revealing everything around it and the tiles are so clean that they reflect oneself as a mirror.

The atmosphere, itself, is filled with a mixture of air treated with different kinds of drugs that binds the people to it. Suddenly a thought flash through my mind like lightening, that this environment is so homely a place such that if a person comes around they would not hesitate to stay back if offered the privilege to do so. People waiting, anxiously, for their turn to see the one who will determine what is to become of their existence, like one would look unto God. While some other people move in and out of rooms like a sickening spin on the merry-go-round.

People with various categories of needs, ranging from women with different abdominal size, like that of the female kangaroo’s pouch with different number of its young ones, who would have come to know when they will be delivered of their long time heaviness, to accident cases etc. The look of some people’s conditions threatens my eyes not to behold them the second time. The newly born were also fed shamelessly through their mother’s mammalian gland in the open. Aged parent are not left out looking helplessly with their wrinkled skin.

At an instant I heard cries with different musical notes delivered by kids with and saw salt and sweat mix running down their faces and into their mouth, as the doctor administer their kind gesture to them as much as they could. The cry of the new born, like the early morning bird would sing, reminds my mom on how I was born and what my growing up was like. Soon I entered into the room where particles that travel with the speed of light are used to diagnose, and at times transmit drugs into, the inner structure of people.

Later I was asked to undress my top wear. Then the equipment was concentrated at my chest region. The image of my skeletal ribs was taken with the use of a photographic plate positioned behind the equipment. The look of the equipment that does this whole work is like a refrigerator with a controllably opening at the top. About the time I was leaving the condensation of the atmosphere has melted; the revolving door is now a one-way door, while some visitors have been told about the fate of their existence others have got their life span extended.